• Is anyone else having an issue with the visual editor in WP 2.5?

    When I attempt to insert an image or a link, the dialog window pops up but it’s blank — no place to insert links or other info, just a blank square.

    Not sure if this is a setting (doubtful) and I don’t think it’s a browser issue.

    Any help or suggestions is appreciated.


    – nina

    Edit: In HTML mode the dialog boxes function.

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  • yahyakurniawan, I have the same problem.
    At first it was all good. But when I switch to HTML editor, for pasting YouTube video code, it’s lock. Now I cannot switch to Visual editor, even if “Use visual editor” in profile information is checked, only HTML editor.
    The same problem I met in WordPress 2.3. I wrote to support forum, but problem wasn’t resolved. There were many people, which had that problem (locking visual editor). (link)
    I hope this bug will be fixed as soon as possible.

    Moderator Samuel Wood (Otto)


    www.ads-software.com Admin

    …and all of the above are errors new to 2.5.

    No, they’re not. Lots of people had similar problems with 2.3, 2.2, and 2.1. Essentially, it’s some kind of issue with your browser or installation. Why? Well, two reasons… a) it works fine for me in Firefox and b) it’s always some kind of server problem. Usually it’s because the webserver doesn’t much like ajax calls for some reason.

    I tried it on my general browser – Firefox, and on Internet Explorer 7.
    I cleaned the cache, but there wasn’t any result.
    I think the reason of this problem is on incompatible some elements of TinyMCE with browser or provider cache… Why this problem is migrating from version to version?

    Just installed 2.5 and I can’t see the WYSISYG Visual Editor icons, i.e. bold, italic, add image, etc. Also no icons rendered for Add Media.

    Basically no icons are to be seen or rendered.

    Using Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux x86_64; en-GB; rv: Gecko/20080316 SUSE/ Firefox/

    Urgently needs to be either resolved or fixed if it is a bug!!!

    One way for solving this bug is:
    -reinstalling wordpress 2.5
    I extract wordpress2-5.zip to my blog directory once again and replace all files.
    Visual editor is working. But how long it will be continue?

    I have problems with the visual editor (it’s stuck in HTML mode) only when the NextGen Gallery plugin is active.

    i get this problem too. the write post is all in html. there is no visual edit. tried in both IE and firefox. same problem.

    I have more than one blog, albeit on the same server, but different domains.

    So far I’ve installed on three blogs.

    One worked fine, the other two didn’t.

    I couldn’t get the Visual editor to work at all, either in Firefox 2.0.12 or Firefox 3b3.

    Trying IE8 there was no title box, and no editor tabs whatsoever. IE7 gave me non-visual editor, as in Firefox. Things not working in IE never surprises me anyway, as it’s a pretty dysfunctional non compliant browser in all versions.

    Anyway, the fix I found was to completely delete the tinymce directory which is located at /wp-includes/js/tinymce and re-upload it. That got the visual editor working 100% for me, on both sites, in Firefox 2 and 3. (windows and linux) IE7 seems to work ok, and IE8 beta 1 even too, although it makes a huge title box.

    Eyebee, I tried your way, but it doesn’t ix the bug (I have two blogs – in one I solve this problem in this way)

    i think i found the way to fix this.

    try re-install wp 2.5. or maybe you can try deactivate all plugin. then go to write post. see if the visual edit appear or not. in my case, it appear when i deactivate and active my plugins. now its in visual mode. check it 2 times, during deactivate plugins and active all plugins. it should appear by now ?? hope thats help.

    i have the same problem. i tried it both in Firefox & IE.
    and it still doesn’t work. (so how do you fix it???)


    _bebe did you try my way?

    Why is tiny_mce_gzip.php empty in 2.5? My visual editor stopped working again and I can not do the fix on tiny_mce to get it back up.

    I am using gzip compression. Any thoughts on this?

    This is the fix that worked for 2.3


    and found this code:

    if ((in_array(‘gzip’, $encodings) || in_array(‘x-gzip’, $encodings) || isset($_SERVER[‘—————‘])) && function_exists(‘ob_gzhandler’) && !ini_get(‘zlib.output_compression’) && ini_get(‘output_handler’) != ‘ob_gzhandler’) {
    $enc = in_array(‘x-gzip’, $encodings) ? “x-gzip” : “gzip”;
    $supportsGzip = true;

    Immediately after I overrode the $supportsGzip var with a false value by inserting the following line after the block reference above:

    $supportsGzip = false;

    try re-install wp 2.5. or maybe you can try deactivate all plugin. then go to write post. see if the visual edit appear or not. in my case, it appear when i deactivate and active my plugins. now its in visual mode. check it 2 times, during deactivate plugins and active all plugins. it should appear by now ?? hope thats help.

    Thanks that did not work for me. This is the error I am getting.

    tinyMCE is not defined
    Line 73

    tinyMCE is not defined
    go(“content”)editor.js (line 73)
    onclick(click clientX=0, clientY=0)post-new.php (line 1)
    [Break on this error] var ed = tinyMCE.get(id);

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