• Resolved themightyant


    I have seen that others are having similar problems that may or may not be related.

    The Problem

    1. Just upgraded to 3.1 through automatic upgrade on the dashboard
    2. The Visual editor GUI is missing and text appears in white. (see image)
    3. Once ‘Visual’ is clicked again text appears but in html (see image)
    4. The front end of the website is fine

    What I have tried

    • I have read a lot of similar posts here and gone through the ‘Troubleshooting WordPress 3.1 – Master List’ and tried the following without any luck so far
    • Checked other browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Safari)
    • Disabled and re-enabled visual editor in my profile
    • Deactivated all plugins
    • Switching to the Twenty Ten theme
    • Resetting the plugins folder by FTP (renaming folder, creating a new one and visiting admin page)
    • Disabled the Admin bar
    • Downloaded and re-uploaded a fresh copy of the wo-admin and wp-includes folders
    • Checked I am running PHP 5
    • Upgraded the php memory limit to 64MB through .htaccess, wp-config and memory-bump plugin (shared hosting no access to php.ini)
    • Tried adding the following code to wp-config
      define('CONCATENATE_SCRIPTS', false);

    None of the above worked does anyone have any suggestions?

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  • This issue happened either with the move to the new account on the same host (from a “test” site to a real site) or with the 3.1.1 auto-update. Super frustrating as my users are all non-techy and can’t use the HTML editor. :/

    I’m so sorry. There are about thirty threads about this. Many suggestions. Some work for some people and not for others. Lucky us; we’re in the nothing works category. Cruise the threads, but be careful not to post on many. The experts are a bit unkind when you do. There have been lots of hints = lines of code to drop into certain areas of the blog code, checking permissions, checking your versions of Php – some experts will merely refer you to the master list of fixes, and when you have gone through all of those and report that they didn’t help, those experts will simply recommend that you go through master list of fixes. In other words, some don’t even read to know who you are or remember. There are some that are very kind and try really hard. And you never know, one of them might come up with the one odd fix you need. So read all the threads you can and try everything. You might get lucky. And of course, you can’t say to your clients: at least learn the basics; the html editor is not that difficult to use. Just not as fun, wiki-wise.

    Another happy dance – the upgrade to 3.1.1 has returned my beloved visual editor to its rightful appearance and function. Thanks for bringing this issue to the forum and all those who provided thoughtful suggestions here. Think success, be successful ??

    Congratulations!!! I’ll have to get a good night’s sleep before I try this again. But I will. Just because of you.

    My small part of this story got slightly interesting, but is currently resolved. My host has told me that my shared server was under a DDoS attack. Because I’m not the account holder (I just do the grunt work :D), I may not have gotten some communications. In an attempt to help some account holders assigned to this server, they gave me a static IP. Upon updating the settings in WordPress and the two database tables (kind of a pain), suddenly my problem is solved. Buttons and visual editor work again. No idea if that helps anyone else, but apparently going from a shared IP to a dedicated IP did something. Either it’s a completely different box with a different setup (you’d think they’d all be the same with a large host) or I’m missing something else.

    I experienced this problem after a 3.1.2 update. None of the common solutions above have helped. Deactivating/Reactivating plugins, nor a host of other attempts. What HAS worked is looking into the folder permissions. I have changed the wp-includes to 777 access and the visual editor returned. Everyone seems to have various factors that contribute to their problems, try the folder permissions.

    I sat out for a month, during which my hosting company transferred to a new set of servers run by another company. Presto. Everything worked. So I wasn’t crazy, and I wasn’t stupid. Now, it’s all good. Nothing I did helped. It took the universe shifting.

    rescogitans – I fought this across about eight of these forum threads – and got in trouble for it, even though I didn’t start the darn things. In the end, as I posted above, even though I tried every fix and even though I sounded like I must just be inept, the problem was with my host, not with the edits I’d done to my theme, or my permissions. Once I changed hosts, everything worked again. Now, I didn’t try again after I went back to WP 2.0 – because everything was working fine, and I couldn’t afford any more anxiety and frustration. So it may be that 3.1.1 could have cleared things up. All I know is that now it works, and I didn’t do a thing to make it work. After all those hours of messing with it. So it may be something beyond your control – try changing hosts and look for somebody good.

    rescogitans – I fought this across about eight of these forum threads – and got in trouble for it, even though I didn’t start the darn things. In the end, as I posted above, even though I tried every fix and even though I sounded like I must just be inept, the problem was with my host, not with the edits I’d done to my theme, or my permissions. Once I changed hosts, everything worked again. Now, I didn’t try again after I went back to WP 2.0 – because everything was working fine, and I couldn’t afford any more anxiety and frustration. So it may be that 3.1.1 could have cleared things up. All I know is that now it works, and I didn’t do a thing to make it work. After all those hours of messing with it. So it may be something beyond your control – try changing hosts and look for somebody good.

    I also had the same issue and deactivated an Amazon plug-in and deleted to untitled draft posts and all is back to normal. Not sure which solution it was that worked.

    Thread Starter themightyant


    Apologies to everyone, I had completely forgotten about this thread as I found an interim fix (CK editor) and then went on holiday. This was truly not my intention, i’m usually pretty OCD about finding a fix and understanding it. So to pick up and finally resolve the thread for anyone else who has the exact same problem.

    Recently I had another client who was also hosted with 123reg and the same problem occurred again. (with a newer version of wordpress, 3.2.1) This got me to look into the problem once more.

    As it turned out they both had different fixes, the newer one my fault

    The original problem website
    The website was in a subfolder and the siteurl had had a colon ‘:’ added on the end eg: https://www.mysite.com:
    This was fixed by going into phpmyadmin and changing the siteurl in the wp_options table.
    NOTE: to be honest this MAY have been possible through the settings -> general tab in the admin, I didn’t check first.

    Huge thanks to muncken for this tip in this thread

    Second website
    This was a mistake on my part (I had added a wrong bit of code to my functions.php file while trying to get the ‘hr’ horizontal rule tag to show in the visual editor, changing the theme fixed it and allowed me to narrow down the source.

    Same problem, unrelated solutions in the end however it had the bonus of getting me to fix the original problem and come back here.

    Resolved! Many thanks for all your help

    Whether it’s helpful or not, was experiencing same problem in ie, chrome and safari. Same sites on same server were fine. Only difference was a file called fantversion.php in the root folder which appears to tell the server we’re running 3.1 when we are actually running 3.3. My guess is a host restriction on wp version number for some odd reason.
    Just a place to check…

    @ rosyid AWESOME FIX , I had tried a bunch of stuff to fix this but simply adding your code – define(‘CONCATENATE_SCRIPTS’, false );

    fixed the issue for me!!!!


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