• My visual editor tab is not working on two WP installations. I can see the Visual and HTML tabs but only the HTML tab / pane is active. I can’t switch to the Visual tab.

    The first time I tried to edit a post the editor was on the Visual tab but the pane was blank except for some red underlines for misspelled words. I switched to the HTML tab to see what was happening and now I can’t get back to Visual tab.

    I’ve deactivated all plugins and switched to the twentyeleven theme, with no plugins activated. No difference.

    Not sure what else to do. Suggestions?

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  • Interesting. I immediately installed CKEditor with high hopes that I would get results similar to yours. Unfortunately, I got an editing screen with all the editing tools blanked out. I wish this were resolved, but, sadly, it is not. At least for me.

    Installing the Google Libraries plugin solved the problem for me.


    Navigate to Users => All Users => admin => untick the “Disable the visual editor when writing” box.

    It works! perfect.



    5 Steps to restore your visual editor in WordPress 3.3

    1. Through your admin panel in WordPress , disable all plugins and leave them disabled until the finish of these steps

    2. Now through your wordpress admin panel go into users , click on your username and edit settings , at the top you will see the area to enable or disable the visual editor , click on this to disable , yet definately disable this visual editor for the time being.

    3. Now through the wordpress admin panel go into your posts and click on one of them to edit , you should now see your text in the post , this will be in Html format , exit out of this area back to the main admin area.

    4. Click on appearance and change your theme to Twenty Eleven , active the theme and click F5 to clear the cache. Once you have done this now go back into your user settings , edit your profile and enable the visual editor , always remember to save your settings at the bottom of the screen.

    5. Again click on one of your posts to edit and you should now see the visual editor has begun working , exit out of this area back to the main admin area and change your theme back to the original theme that you were using.

    6. Now go thru and re-activate each plugin one at a time , if after activating a plugin your editor is not working than you have to keep the plugin de-activated until it is updated to be wordpress 3.3 compliant.

    Restoring your Visual Editor in WordPress 3.3 via FTP

    1. Login in to your FTP account , under public_html find your site , proceed to wp_content / plugins, rename this folder to oldplugins , now log into your WordPress admin account and see if your visual editor is working , if it is then again it is a plugin related conflict , if it is not working , manually upload the wp-includes folder and overwrite the existing folder. This should have your site up and running again.

    For me the issue was a JS conflict between the cforms plugin (version 11.5) and the JS used for the editor. Deactivating it restored the visual editor functionality. I used FF and Web Console to narrow it down. Hope that helps some one.

    I went through all the suggested fixes here and nothing worked. In the end I discovered that it was a simple fix.

    Go to ‘Users’ click on ‘admin’ make sure that ‘Disable the visual editor when writing’ is unchecked. Do this for all users.

    I’m kicking myself that I didn’t see this before. Hope it helps someone here.

    I was having the same issue but my solution is very different from the ones already posted. I too used FireFox and Web Console to narrow it down. I am using a Woo Theme and running Apache on Windows 7 locally (this was not happening on my live site running under Linux). The Web Console said it couldn’t load a javascript file found in my themes/[themename]/functions folder. When I looked in that folder the icons were green because they were encrypted to secure data. After I removed that attribute (right click on folder -> Properties -> Advanced, Uncheck Encrypt contents to secure data) the forms started working.

    It appears there are a lot of ways TinyMCE can get messed up in the admin forms. If the problem is happening in Firefox, count yourself lucky. Run the Web Console, found under Tools -> Web Developer and see if you get an error that can lead you to an answer.

    I have tried everything
    – change theme
    – disable plugins
    – install google libraries
    – different browsers
    _User admin changes etc etc

    Everything still no joy – please help I have been working on this issue for over 6 hours

    Issue resolved for me

    I am on a mac and use VirusBarrier X6. IT bumped out security settings on our computers and under the ‘surf’ menu checked the box :

    Hide information about my computer and web browser

    This must suppress certain javascript or something like that as it was preventing the Visual and HTML tabs from being displayed

    Unchecked that box in virus protection voila they reappeared. Wish I could get my 8 hours back ??

    Before you waste hours switching off / on plugins, check the javascript debugger in your browser!

    For me, it turned out TinyMCE was looking for a missing en.js file (non standard) instead of wp-langs-en.js

    I just copied the wp-langs-en.js file to en.js and the visual editor came back. There’s some more detailed instructions here: https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/visual-editor-not-working-mimicing-html-editor-blanking-out-no-tool-bar

    I tried everything listed, including the wp-langs-en.js fix michaelphipps posted above. Nothing worked.

    My Chrome Inspector says:

    “Cannot read property ‘0’ of null” in “/wp-includes/js/tinymce/plugins/wpeditimage/editor_plugin.js?ver=349-20805”

    Also, I noticed that I only have this problem on one post. It has non-standard characters in it (French: é and è). I removed those characters and replaced them with character codes: é and è That didn’t seem to help.

    i want to change sliders images with change in category in header how to do this plz rply

    Thank you len7288! Your solution worked for me:

    1. admin area then
    2. users then
    3. your profile
    4. on my profile area he uncheck the box at the top of the page which says disable the visual editor when writing.


    I just installed Google Libraries and everything is ok. No needed to change theme here.

    AHA! Thanks,

    All I did was update my TINYMCE plugin which was calling for an update anyway and voila – it worked.

    None of the other suggestions worked (google libraries, empty cache, etc.) Should have known because it happened on 3 different browsers.

    Mac here. Normally use Chrome, but same problem on Safari and Firefox.

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