• Resolved Will Russell Marketing


    Since I upgraded to 4.2.3, I am no longer able to publish any content on my website, as the visual editor is no longer working. I am unable to even add content as html. Neither the visual nor text tabs are working for posts or pages.

    I have tried a few of the fixes I’ve seen with this problem on previous versions (deactive/reactive plugins, check theme, add concatenate script to wp-config file), but to no avail.

    Would appreciate assistance. I am far from a developer, so am wary of messing around with too much.

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  • same issue here.

    Visual Editor missing since 4.2.3 update

    Just ran Javascript Console on Chrome and got all these errors:

    Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 403 (Forbidden)
    Uncaught ReferenceError: tinymce is not defined
    Uncaught ReferenceError: tinyMCE is not defined
    Uncaught ReferenceError: tinymce is not defined
    Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'activeEditor' of undefined
    Uncaught ReferenceError: tinymce is not defined

    Must be an error at WordPresses end

    Im also having the same problem. I’m very new to wordpress and just installed it locally on linux mint. As it was a brand new install I’ve never had it working.

    Ditto for me too. I did the auto update to 4.2.3 on 5 sites. 4 work just fine but the 5th is giving me 404 errors for the post editor and the page editor.

    I tried to roll back my site to 4.2.2 manually by copying everything from a 4.2.2 zip file by FTP. The 404 errors for both editors remained, so I did another update to 4.2.3. The 404 errors remain for the editors.

    I read on here to change the Permalinks and then put them back. The 404 errors remain.

    I read on here to change the .htaccess file, but there was no word on what to change it to. I deleted it and I got a 500 Internal Server error. I took the .htaccess file from a site that’s working and the 404 error remains for both editors.

    Does anyone have any ideas on how to get the editor back?

    I have found that a quick and dirty fix is to put WordPress in to script debug mode.

    1. Open the file wp-config.php
    2. Find the line:
    /* That's all, stop editing! Happy blogging. */
    3. Directly below this line add:
    define('SCRIPT_DEBUG', true);
    4. Save the changes & upload to your server.

    This is not an ideal fix but just a temp one.

    I have my suspicions that this issue is been caused by 5G firewall security inside the .htaccess file.
    For my own installation 5G firewall was added to .htaccess via the All In One WP Security & Firewall plugin.
    I have since disabled this feature & returned my .htaccess file to default although the problem seems to still exists but I think that this may be due to a server side caching problem.
    I am in correspondence with my host concerning this.

    I’ll post back my results.


    You wrote:
    2. Find the line:
    /* That’s all, stop editing! Happy blogging. */

    My wp-config.php file doesn’t have that line.

    I tried editing wp-config.php by adding it like this:

    # Custom Settings

    define(‘SCRIPT_DEBUG’, true);

    The 404 error remains for the page and post editor.


    is your wp-config.php file the default that came with your WordPress install?

    I am not 100% sure but I don’t think you can comment using # in a php file:

    # Custom Settings

    should be

    /* Custom Settings */

    My resolution is actually for the 403 error.

    I see that you are receiving a 404 error which means that your site is searching for a page that does not exist.

    What is the actual URL of the missing page/s? – Get this from your server error log.


    Yes, wp-config.php is the default. The # Custom Settings was already there. I just copied it with the line that’s supposed to solve this 404 problem beneath it.

    The missing URL is the editor for every page and for every post. If I click edit, the Editor is replaced with a 404 page. I jumped in here with the same problem as Will who started this. He wrote…

    “Since I upgraded to 4.2.3, I am no longer able to publish any content on my website, as the visual editor is no longer working. I am unable to even add content as html. Neither the visual nor text tabs are working for posts or pages.”

    Oh, I see.

    Although I am also not seeing the Visual Editor on the Edit page, mine is due to 403 forbidden error in the wp-tinymce.php file.

    I can still see the Edit Post/ Edit Page, page but just have a large white editor box & none of the buttons such as Alignment, Font Color etc…., etc….

    I am not getting a 404 Error page as you are.

    Hopefully WP are on to these various 4.2.3 errors


    This relates exactly to my issue as I am on a Plesk Panel:


    I have contacted my host.

    Unfortunately I see there is no permanent fix & the issue could reoccur, it’s just the forceful security measures for WP

    Thread Starter Will Russell Marketing



    Thanks for the help. Tried adding that line, but didn’t work unfortunately. Still unable to use visual editor.

    same here…

    Anyone have solved the problem?


    OK, my host rolled back the security measures for the wp-includes folder as per the link I posted above.

    I deleted the:

    define(‘SCRIPT_DEBUG’, true);

    entry in my wp-config.php file

    Visual Editor is now back and working.

    As stated in the posts in the above link, one of the Plesk devs says that after a successful activation of tinymce, the security measures for wp-includes can be re-instated.

    My host has now done this & I still have a fully working Visual Editor.

    I also still have the 5G Firewall entries in my .htaccess file, so that turned out not to be the issue at all.

    Hopefully this will help out anyone else suffering the same issue who’s webspace is controlled through Plesk.


    Moderator Samuel Wood (Otto)


    www.ads-software.com Admin

    Do not roll back. This is a SECURITY FIX. Rolling back leaves your website vulnerable to a known attack vector.

    Update your site to 4.2.3. Then clear your caches. That’s all you have to do. That will fix your problems.

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