fitfulfocus – what plugin was it?
I am having same problem – here is what I have done so far:
After upgrading, the visual editor no longer works; I have to go to a page (like /interior-design), and no content displays in the editor. I have to toggle the TEXT tab, then go back to VISUAL for the content to show (that’s problem #1)
Problem #2 is when I click on an image to edit, nothing happens; the image visual editor isn’t working at all.
Steps I have already taken:
1. Tried in multiple browsers
2. Googled fixes, first tried to add a line of code to wp-config from this article:
Didn’t work.
3. Then I tried to turn on debugging, via this article:
Also didn’t work.
4. Then I found this article, that said many people found the error with Yoast doing something with JQuery starting in WP 4.1:
5. I have been running successfully since wp4.4.2 but going up to 4.5.3 broke things.
Here is the jquery code I got:
load-scripts.php?c=0&load[]=jquery-core,jquery-migrate,utils,jquery-ui-core,jquery-ui-widget,jquery…:2 Uncaught Error: no such method ‘instance’ for autocomplete widget instance
6. I had Tinymceadvanced plugin to upgrade the editor/turned it off/deleted it/cleared cache and browsers/tried using native editor…
Didn’t work. Please advise.