• I know this question has been posed in a variety of ways, but I’ll ask again only because it’s actually a major issue for our installation of WP 2.02 and I can’t find a satisfactory answer. I’m using WordPress to make it easy for a small special-interest group to exchange news and info from around the globe and who need the ease of use that a blog brings (or should bring!). The big problem is that without any HTML skills at all (why should users have to have HTML skills – doesn’t that go against the spirit of a blog being a “web-based publishing tool for all”?) it’s impossible for any of our 6 guinea-pig users to submit stories without any problems. In short, the VRTE is simply hopeless, to the point where I might have to ditch WP altogether in favour of something perhaps not as good overall.

    So the question is: Why does the VRTE continue to be so bad, and are there plans on the part of the (admittedly dedicated) WP development community to either fix it proper or replace it? Suggesting to our users that they use basic HTML tags instead simply isn’t an option for us, for reasons I won’t bore you all with.

    Any info, ideas or suggestions folks?

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  • Have you considered asking your users to use a offline desktop editor – most have a WYSIWYG editor.

    I can’t think of a specific reason why one should not use an offline editor – especially considering your target audience. I am not too familiar with the editor that ships with WP to comment on it.

    List of offline editors can be found here:

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