@puregraphx Not a false positive, how?
I have checked the link that you sent me and can see that there is a ‘claim’ of a vulnerability, but no ‘proof’. Do you personally know where this vulnerability can be found in the code? Do you see any proof on the site?
I have contacted the site requesting any further information on this claimed vulnerability. Until they can provide any concrete proof of the same this is simply a claim and can very well be a false positive at their end.
If they can provide further useful information on their claim that helps pinpoint the issue I will fix it asap.
@warby15 has kindly contacted me directly but they have pointed to the same link as you. No further context has been added on the matter. I am awaiting a response from the site claiming the vulnerability. If they can provide any useful lead I will take action on it immediately and release an update.
I can assure you that I can and will fix any proven issue with the plugin. But I cannot fix ‘claims’.