• Hi Frederick and others,

    Since W3 Total Cache and MobilePress are reported to be incompatible, and Wapple Architect is just too difficult for my limited synaptic firing abilities, I am trying to get WordPress Mobile Pack working with W3TC. The results are confusing…

    I am using https://ready.mobi and https://www.opera.com/mini/demo/ to see the results:

    1. Mobile Pack off, W3TC on – web theme, large images (as expected)
    2. Mobile Pack on (default config), W3TC off – mobile theme, small images (fast, good visual result)
    3. Mobile Pack on, W3TC on (all Mobile User Agents copied to the Rejected User Agents field)- web theme (?), small images (fast but weird visual result)

    EDIT: When both on, there seems to be some kind of combination of mobile and web theme being served: Partly adapted to small screen width and no theme background images but still (so it seems) the basic web theme layout. Looks like the mobile stylesheet is used in combination with the web theme source…

    Is there anyone with experience with these two plugins running together?

    Thanks for any tips ??

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