• Resolved mrerikmt


    Trying to set up w3 total cache.

    I set up amazon s3 account, entered all necessary information into wp dashboard>performance>cdn>configuration

    when attempting to “test s3 upload” getting this error message:

    Error: Unable to list buckets (S3::listBuckets(): [SignatureDoesNotMatch] The request signature we calculated does not match the signature you provided. Check your key and signing method.).

    Same message comes up when I try to “create a bucket”

    I went to aws console>amazons3>create bucket, so now there is a bucket created.

    I am using the bucket name that I just created in the aws console in the bucket field in the wp dashboard.

    Would love some help understanding why this isn’t working.

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  • Thread Starter mrerikmt


    For whatever reason this just isn’t going to work.

    I ended up signing up for Amazons Cloudfront as well. That gave me the example.cloudfront.net url that I was able to place in the “Replace site’s hostname with:” field in the dashboard>performance>cdn>configuration.

    That made it work.

    I would still like to know why what I was trying to do wasn’t working considering I had followed the directions that I had been able to find to the letter. Internet directions tend to be a bit vague and incomplete, so it is likely that some important step had been omitted consistently in all the documentation I found, but I sort of doubt it.

    I am having an issue with Volcanic’s Automatic Backup that is related to the “bucket” so something is screwed up.

    If anyone has any ideas I would appreciate the input.

    Frederick Townes


    Can you paste the results of the compatibility test here please?

    Thread Starter mrerikmt


    Server Modules & Resources:

    Plugin Version:
    PHP Version: 5.2.17 (PHP5 required for Minify, Rackspace CloudFiles, Microsoft Azure support)
    Web Server: Apache
    FTP functions: Installed (required for Self-hosted (FTP) CDN support)
    Multibyte String support: Installed (required for Rackspace Cloud Files support)
    cURL extension: Installed (required for Amazon S3, Amazon CloudFront, Rackspace CloudFiles support)
    zlib extension: Installed (required for compression support)
    Opcode cache: Not installed
    Memcache extension: Not installed
    HTML Tidy extension: Installed (required for HTML Tidy minifier suppport)
    Mime type detection: Installed (mime_content_type) (required for CDN support)
    Hash function: Installed (hash) (required for NetDNA purge support)
    Safe mode: On
    Open basedir: Off
    zlib output compression: Off
    set_time_limit: Available
    mod_deflate: Not detected (required for Page Cache (enhanced mode) and Browser Cache)
    mod_env: Not detected (required for Page Cache (enhanced mode) and Browser Cache)
    mod_expires: Not detected (required for Page Cache (enhanced mode) and Browser Cache)
    mod_headers: Not detected (required for Page Cache (enhanced mode) and Browser Cache)
    mod_mime: Not detected (required for Page Cache (enhanced mode) and Browser Cache)
    mod_rewrite: Not detected (required for Page Cache (enhanced mode) and Browser Cache)

    I noticed that safe mode is listed as “on” in these results. I have attempted to address this from host’s cPanel but it says safe mode is off. Is there a safe mode in WordPress that needs to be disabled. I have been searching google for help with safe mode but there are no instructions about how to turn it on or off that I can find. Everything just says “turn it off” and leaves it at that.

    Thanks for helping me with this.

    Thread Starter mrerikmt


    Oh, and by the way-despite the little problem i have been having with this, once I got everything set up my performance rating on yslow went up immediately. I just followed a few set up recommendations and started seeing results. I’m sure that once I understand everything better I will be able to improve it even more. This seems like a great plugin, so thanks for that.

    Thread Starter mrerikmt


    Just received email from my host about enabling shell_exec() function. I went to the Volcanic Automatic Backup plugin that I was trying to figure out and clicked “save changes and backup now”.

    No error message appeared so I assume that things are working properly now. I also assume that I would have same results for W3TC if I was not using cloudfront.

    Turns out that shell_exec() function has something to do with safe mode???

    I ran compatibility check again and it says safe mode is off now.

    shell_exec() isn’t used in W3TC. Anyway, I’m not clear. Are you still having an issue or not?

    Thread Starter mrerikmt


    No issue at this point. Thanks for checking in.

    This is all over my head to be honest with you but I know that my host enabled shell_exec () function and I went to my dashboard and checked everything out and now all is working properly.

    Thanks, can you mark this as resolved please?

    I’m trying to use IAM with W3TC.
    If I insert Access Key and Secret Key generated by first AWS access, all it’s ok.
    But if I want to create a user in IAM with only full access to S3 and Cloud Front the plugin send me.
    Error: Unable to list buckets (S3::listBuckets(): [SignatureDoesNotMatch] The request signature we calculated does not match the signature you provided. Check your key and signing method.)

    Here my IAM policy

    “Statement”: [
    “Effect”: “Allow”,
    “Action”: “s3:*”,
    “Resource”: “*”

    “Statement”: [
    “Action”: [
    “Effect”: “Allow”,
    “Resource”: “arn:aws:s3:::*”
    “Action”: [
    “Effect”: “Allow”,
    “Resource”: “*”

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