• Hi there!

    I am facing the “white screen of death” on my dashboard and am now receiving this error message.
    I’ve already contacted the web host and there’s no issue on their end; or with the theme.

    Context: I’d made some changes to the website, everything was working fine. I then clicked to update to WordPress 4.7 and the white screen of nothingness appeared. As of this morning, this error has appeared. It seems that there’s a conflict with the W3 Total Cache plugin.

    Help, please.

    With gratitude,


    Site: https://www.thriveintegratedhealth.com/wp-admin

    “W3 Total Cache Error: some files appear to be missing or out of place. Please re-install plugin or remove /homepages/0/d496001857/htdocs/thriveintegratedhealth/wp-content/advanced-cache.php.W3 Total Cache Error: some files appear to be missing or out of place. Please re-install plugin or remove /homepages/0/d496001857/htdocs/thriveintegratedhealth/wp-content/db.php.
    Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /homepages/0/d496001857/htdocs/thriveintegratedhealth/wp-content/advanced-cache.php:23) in /homepages/0/d496001857/htdocs/thriveintegratedhealth/wp-includes/pluggable.php on line 1179”

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  • I had the same ISSUE for two months also. I DELETED the advanced-cache.php file in the wp-content folder and it works now.


    Now other things are messed up:

    When I want to “add new” plugin and type in to the search field, the little GIF rotates for ever, but nothing happens.

    Whenever I have to get a response from actions like “deactivate plugin”, the page whites out, nothing happens (although the command gets executed).

    I checked the DB: all fine. Something is broken, and I can totally not figure out what.

    For anyone else facing this issue it may well be your php version is out of date. I just upgraded WP and all plugins including W3 Total cache and had the White Screen of Death. I had to use FTP, rename the plugin directory to de-activate the plugin, enabled wp debug in wp-config.php, then saw an error on the front-end pointing out the conflict was php version 5.3. I upgraded to 5.6.



    Had the same issue/error, when I tried to login to wp-admin.
    After checking this post and others,
    checked via FTP and couldn’t find any of the files (db.php, advanced-cache.php, object-cache.php) or the W3TC plugin folder.
    So I downloaded the W3TC plugin, and uploaded the folder to /plugins/, and the 3 files to /wp-content/.
    after that, i was able to access the page /wp-login/ (error was still on /wp-admin/) and login, then reinstall W3TC.
    issue appears to be resolved now.

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