• Hi there! After I activated w3 total cache plugin, I get this warning on my plugins sections. Whenever I’m clicking the “click here” in option “Also, you can now try out our new features as soon as they’re ready.Click Here”, I am getting warning saying “FTP credentials don’t allow to write to file /home/u916873118/public_html/wp-config.php” How can I fix it? Is there any way for a newbie to fix this, please help..
    It also says “W3 Total Cache Error: Files and directories could not be automatically created to complete the installation.
    Please execute commands manually
    or use FTP form to allow W3 Total Cache make it automatically.”
    I dont know how to do this, please someone enlighten me about this, I’m afraid to do something that’s beyond my knowledge or I may break my blog. Any help will be very much appreciated… Thank you in advance..


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  • I had the same thing yesterday. Only way around I could find was to:

    1) deactivate w3tc
    2) open up a SSH session through Putty to the server
    3) chmod 755 <file name as in the message you had above>
    4) activate the w3tc plugin
    5) once active, rerun the chmod but with 644

    I think I may have also had to disable some ‘system tweaks’ related to wp-config too in iThemes but I don’t recall the combination.

    Actually I think I turned off (temporarily):

    Protect system files
    Remove file writing permissions

    Thinking about it…644 (6=read+write) should be enough permissions.

    I wonder if iThemes ‘remove file writing permissions’ on/off switch is not putting permission back to 644 after it puts it to 444 (4=read).

    I’d start by trying to switch these both off, disable w3tc and then re enable it again. If that doesn’t work then you may need to try the manual SSH method.

    The same thing happened to me (i actually have the pro version). i asked them for support and they told me a lot of user have had this problem and they’re working on it, they also advised me to change the permissions of the wp-config and .htaccess files to 644. that worked or me.

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