I’m not sure it would work, because I suspect that W3 Total Cache caches each page as a whole including header.php
Rotating Tweets stores the tweets in the $options
array and then renders them as text in the body of the page.
We’d also need to test whether the mfunc
code has to be written in the template or can be rendered by a plug-in.
If the latter, the trick would be to add a flag that tells Rotating Tweets to take the text that was going to be written to the page – write it to a separate file – and, instead of returning the text, return the mclude
So it would be:
[rotatingtweets screen_name='your_name' render_to='hardcodedtweetdisplay.php]
which would render as:
<!-- mclude W3TC_DYNAMIC_SECURITY /wp-content/plugins/rotatingtweets/cache/hardcodedtweetdisplay.php -->
<!-- /mclude W3TC_DYNAMIC_SECURITY -->
If the former, you’d have to hardcode
<!-- mclude W3TC_DYNAMIC_SECURITY /wp-content/plugins/rotatingtweets/cache/hardcodedtweetdisplay.php -->
<!-- /mclude W3TC_DYNAMIC_SECURITY -->
into your template yourself.