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  • Plugin Author Martin Tod


    OK. It’s working on my site! The version that works for me is the new development version. You’ll need to download and reinstall it.

    The system now works with widgets and shortcodes.

    How are you placing your plug-in on the page? Via shortcode or widget or hard-coded into the template?

    If it’s still not working and there’s no difference in how you’ve installed it, we’ll need to compare Page Cache settings. Rotating Tweets is currently outputting a huge array of W3TC settings inside comments <!-- // --> which we may need to compare. Are you using enhanced or basic page caching?


    Thread Starter optimisto


    This new version works as long as I am logged in WordPress (loading a non cached version of the site). If I log out and do not flush the W3TC cache, the plugin rotates the tweets from the W3TC cache and does not update until W3TC cache is updated.
    This behavior is the same with basic or enhanced caching (Late Init. enabled in basic).
    I described an issue with enhanced vs basic caching here. I am not using the default W3TC settings – is there an easy way to grab a summary of the settings, because they are probably over 50… I’m using a shortcode placed in the header, with the settings I posted here.

    Plugin Author Martin Tod


    Do you have WP_DEBUG set to true?

    If you have then there is an enormous section of HTML in the source which lays out the W3TC settings. The source also tells you (immediately after the Rotating Tweets HTML) whether W3TC is using the fragment cache or not.


    Plugin Author Martin Tod


    For reference, my pgcache settings are:

    [pgcache.enabled] => 1
                [pgcache.comment_cookie_ttl] => 1800
                [pgcache.debug] =>
                [pgcache.engine] => file
                [pgcache.file.gc] => 3600
                [pgcache.file.nfs] =>
                [pgcache.file.locking] =>
                [pgcache.lifetime] => 3600
                [pgcache.memcached.servers] => Array
                        [0] =>
                [pgcache.memcached.persistant] => 1
                [pgcache.check.domain] =>
                [pgcache.cache.query] => 1
                [pgcache.cache.home] => 1
                [pgcache.cache.feed] =>
                [pgcache.cache.nginx_handle_xml] =>
                [pgcache.cache.ssl] =>
                [pgcache.cache.404] =>
                [pgcache.cache.flush] =>
                [pgcache.cache.headers] => Array
                        [0] => Last-Modified
                        [1] => Content-Type
                        [2] => X-Pingback
                        [3] => P3P
                [pgcache.compatibility] =>
                [pgcache.remove_charset] =>
                [pgcache.accept.uri] => Array
                        [0] => sitemap(_index)?\.xml(\.gz)?
                        [1] => ([a-z0-9_\-]+)?sitemap\.xsl
                        [2] => [a-z0-9_\-]+-sitemap([0-9]+)?\.xml(\.gz)?
                [pgcache.accept.files] => Array
                        [0] => wp-comments-popup.php
                        [1] => wp-links-opml.php
                        [2] => wp-locations.php
                [pgcache.accept.qs] => Array
                        [0] =>
                [pgcache.reject.front_page] =>
                [pgcache.reject.logged] => 1
                [pgcache.reject.logged_roles] =>
                [pgcache.reject.roles] => Array
                        [0] =>
                [pgcache.reject.uri] => Array
                        [0] => wp-.*\.php
                        [1] => index\.php
                [] => Array
                        [0] =>
                [pgcache.reject.cookie] => Array
                        [0] => wptouch_switch_toggle
                [pgcache.reject.request_head] =>
                [pgcache.purge.front_page] =>
                [pgcache.purge.home] => 1
                [] => 1
                [pgcache.purge.comments] =>
                [] =>
                [pgcache.purge.terms] =>
                [pgcache.purge.archive.daily] =>
                [pgcache.purge.archive.monthly] =>
                [pgcache.purge.archive.yearly] =>
                [] => 1
                [pgcache.purge.feed.comments] =>
                [] =>
                [pgcache.purge.feed.terms] =>
                [pgcache.purge.feed.types] => Array
                        [0] => rss2
                [pgcache.purge.postpages_limit] => 10
                [pgcache.purge.pages] => Array
                        [0] =>
                [pgcache.purge.sitemap_regex] => ([a-z0-9_\-]*?)sitemap([a-z0-9_\-]*)?\.xml
                [] =>
                [] => 900
                [] => 10
                [] =>
                [] =>

    Plugin Author Martin Tod


    For reference, if the caching works, you should see:

    <!-- Rotating Tweets W3TC Fragment Caching Success ! -->

    somewhere in your HTML source.

    Plugin Author Martin Tod


    As far as I can tell from reading comments, I think fragment caching only works with ‘Basic’ Page Caching. For some reason, I can’t switch on Enhanced Caching so can’t test it unfortunately. Which method are you using? Are you seeing <!-- Rotating Tweets W3TC Fragment Caching Success ! --> in your HTML source?

    If you are, then we may need to have the cached function take a more aggressive approach to updating the Tweets…


    Plugin Author Martin Tod


    I’ve done a new version that is working for me – and loading new tweets much more frequently…


    Thread Starter optimisto


    This is my page cache setup, taken from W3TC export configuration in general settings:

    'pgcache.enabled' => true,
    	'pgcache.comment_cookie_ttl' => 1800,
    	'pgcache.debug' => false,
    	'pgcache.engine' => 'file',
    	'pgcache.file.gc' => 1800,
    	'pgcache.file.nfs' => true,
    	'pgcache.file.locking' => false,
    	'pgcache.lifetime' => 3600,
    	'pgcache.memcached.servers' => array(
    		0 => '',
    	'pgcache.memcached.persistant' => true,
    	'pgcache.check.domain' => false,
    	'pgcache.cache.query' => false,
    	'pgcache.cache.home' => true,
    	'pgcache.cache.feed' => true,
    	'pgcache.cache.nginx_handle_xml' => true,
    	'pgcache.cache.ssl' => true,
    	'pgcache.cache.404' => true,
    	'pgcache.cache.flush' => false,
    	'pgcache.cache.headers' => array(
    		0 => 'Last-Modified',
    		1 => 'Content-Type',
    		2 => 'X-Pingback',
    		3 => 'P3P',
    	'pgcache.compatibility' => false,
    	'pgcache.remove_charset' => false,
    	'pgcache.accept.uri' => array(
    		0 => 'sitemap(_index)?\\.xml(\\.gz)?',
    		1 => '[a-z0-9_\\-]+-sitemap([0-9]+)?\\.xml(\\.gz)?',
    	'pgcache.accept.files' => array(
    		0 => 'wp-comments-popup.php',
    		1 => 'wp-links-opml.php',
    		2 => 'wp-locations.php',
    	'pgcache.accept.qs' => array(
    		0 => '',
    	'pgcache.reject.front_page' => false,
    	'pgcache.reject.logged' => true,
    	'pgcache.reject.logged_roles' => false,
    	'pgcache.reject.roles' => array(
    		0 => '',
    	'pgcache.reject.uri' => array(
    		0 => 'wp-.*\\.php',
    		1 => 'index\\.php',
    	'' => array(
    		0 => '',
    	'pgcache.reject.cookie' => array(
    		0 => 'wptouch_switch_toggle',
    	'pgcache.reject.request_head' => false,
    	'pgcache.purge.front_page' => false,
    	'pgcache.purge.home' => true,
    	'' => true,
    	'pgcache.purge.comments' => false,
    	'' => false,
    	'pgcache.purge.terms' => false,
    	'pgcache.purge.archive.daily' => false,
    	'pgcache.purge.archive.monthly' => false,
    	'pgcache.purge.archive.yearly' => false,
    	'' => true,
    	'pgcache.purge.feed.comments' => false,
    	'' => false,
    	'pgcache.purge.feed.terms' => false,
    	'pgcache.purge.feed.types' => array(
    		0 => 'rss2',
    	'pgcache.purge.postpages_limit' => 10,
    	'pgcache.purge.pages' => array(
    		0 => '',
    	'pgcache.purge.sitemap_regex' => '([a-z0-9_\\-]*?)sitemap([a-z0-9_\\-]*)?\\.xml',
    	'' => true,
    	'' => 1800,
    	'' => 10,
    	'' => '/sitemap_index.xml',
    	'' => true,

    I don’t see a success string – should debug be on for that to appear?
    This new version does not show up at all, just like it happened before.

    Plugin Author Martin Tod


    What HTML is appearing on the source page?

    What is the exact PHP you use to display the Tweets and which file have you put it in? Or are you entering it as a standard code or widget?

    I’ve uploaded a version that doesn’t require WP_DEBUG to be set to TRUE before showing the message – although if WP_DEBUG is true you will get a lot more diagnostics to help solve the problem.


    Thread Starter optimisto


    I already described what is the HTML here.
    You can see here how I use the standard code.
    I will test it again later with debug on.

    Plugin Author Martin Tod


    OK. Are you using a function to call the HTML or is it in a post?

    Is it in a template file?

    Does the caching work if you use a widget or a shortcode in a post?


    Plugin Author Martin Tod


    Been looking at W3TC code. Apparently browser compression will also break the functionality…

    The two variables to look out for are:


    I’ve updated the code to reflect this.

    Plugin Author Martin Tod


    PS: You don’t need to set WP_DEBUG to see diagnostics now. If W3TC is set for debugging (on the Page Cache settings page) then Rotating Tweets will respect that too.

    Thread Starter optimisto


    This is the page cache debugging.

    <!-- W3 Total Cache: Page cache debug info:
    Engine:             disk
    Cache key:
    Caching:            enabled
    Status:             cached
    Creation Time:      0.699s
    Header info:
    Last-Modified:       Sun, 12 Oct 2014 22:08:19 GMT
    Expires:             Sun, 12 Oct 2014 22:38:19 GMT
    Pragma:              public
    Cache-Control:       max-age=1605, public, must-revalidate, proxy-revalidate
    X-Powered-By:        W3 Total Cache/0.9.4
    Content-Type:         text/html; charset=UTF-8

    This new version of the plugin shows up but does not refresh independently from the W3TC – bot as a shortcode in a post or in the header.php. I can not test it as a widget at this moment.

    I am not sure how to get an answer for the rest of your questions.

    Are you using a function to call the HTML or is it in a post?

    Is it in a template file?

    Plugin Author Martin Tod


    Hmmm. This is very puzzling.

    Do you have the latest development version (from about 2 hours ago)?

    Can you confirm that there is no HTML such as:

    <!-- Rotating Tweets W3TC Fragment Caching: Start Diagnostics -->


    <!-- Rotating Tweets W3TC Fragment Caching: Success ! -->

    anywhere on the page?

    In theory, the only way they wouldn’t be appearing is if W3TC_DYNAMIC_SECURITY was not defined or W3TC is not enabled…

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