Viewing 15 replies - 76 through 90 (of 94 total)
  • Plugin Author Martin Tod


    My mistake:

    define('W3TC_DYNAMIC_SECURITY')= 'my_own_secret_code';

    should have been:


    I’ve corrected it above for the record.

    Thread Starter optimisto


    I applied the above settings. Have you tested the shortcode in a post? Mine does not update if the browser is not logged in WP. Basically the same problem as if used do_shortcode.

    Plugin Author Martin Tod


    I have… do you get:

    <!-- Rotating Tweets W3TC Fragment Caching: Success ! -->

    in your HTML? (You will need to turn off minify to see this).

    I thought you had the problem that it didn’t display, not that it didn’t update?

    If it’s not updating, what happens if you reload the page? It may be that Browser Caching is hiding the update from you – although it wouldn’t hide the update from a new user to the site.

    Thread Starter optimisto


    Only when I turned off GZIP it displays.
    Even if I turn off Minify it does not update.
    I don’t see that string even with minify off.
    And even with browser chacheing off it does not update – both from post and php.
    It only updates while logged on WP (when W3TC is completely off), or after I flush the caches,
    I can not test a widget because for some reason it wouldn’t show it, could be some Theme issue, I don’t need it as a widget anyway.

    W3TC can export settings from a button in General Settings – since you have RT working – could you post the contents of that export file here, so that I can test it on my site and see if it’s working? If it’s not – then the problem is somewhere else.

    Plugin Author Martin Tod


    As said here, you have to switch GZIP off. Fragment caching does not work with GZIP switched on.

    Please switch on Debug Mode for Page Cache on the W3TC General Settings page. It’s right at the bottom of the page.

    You should then see some HTML comments that tell you whether the fragment caching is working if, and only if, you switch minify HTML off.


    Thread Starter optimisto


    Thank you.
    I don’t see this:
    <!-- Rotating Tweets W3TC Fragment Caching: Success ! -->
    I see this:
    <!-- Rotating Tweets W3TC Fragment Caching: Start Diagnostics --><!-- Rotating Tweets W3TC Fragment Caching: End Diagnostics -->

    Why don’t you post your W3TC settings that work with RT and end this guessing game?

    Plugin Author Martin Tod


    Because the plug-in is designed to self-diagnose and because it’s likely not to be a problem with the W3TC settings.

    Do you have w3tc_render_to='secret_code_1234' or something better back in the short-code?

    (There’s a slight tweak to the latest development version which highlights when there’s an issue with this).

    Thread Starter optimisto


    When I add that code RT works as long as there is no new tweet – once a new tweet is posted RT does not show at all – this is the debug:
    <!-- mfunc secretcode $rt=get_transient("rt-mf-5e01625128255f7077032ffcda8f545c");if(!empty($rt)){echo $rt;}else{$args=get_transient("rt_w3tc_secretcode");rotatingtweets_display($args);}; --><!-- /mfunc secretcode --><!-- Rotating Tweets W3TC Fragment Caching: Success ! -->

    Plugin Author Martin Tod


    OK. Clearly not a success.

    On my machine all the <-- mfunc code is replaced by Tweets – as per .

    Is this using echo do_shortcode() or is this a ‘proper’ shortcode in a page or post and/or a widget?

    If not the latter, what happens if you use the identical shortcode in a post or on a page? Or use a widget?

    Thread Starter optimisto


    This is the debug from a post with the shortcode:
    <!-- mfunc secretcode $rt=get_transient("rt-mf-f48bb99f57e425972374bac7bcae7f87");if(!empty($rt)){echo $rt;}else{$args=get_transient("rt_w3tc_secretcode");rotatingtweets_display($args);}; --><!-- /mfunc secretcode --><!-- Rotating Tweets W3TC Fragment Caching: Success ! -->

    RT shows correctly up until a new tweet is posted.

    Plugin Author Martin Tod


    Right. I think we may need to go with ‘switch off everything in W3TC and then switch everything on – one at a time – until something breaks!`

    I’m assuming we’re both using the same version (i.e. the latest one).

    Here are my settings (which are pretty minimalist) as a starting point:

    return array(
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    	'cluster.messagebus.sns.region' => '',
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    	'cluster.messagebus.sns.api_secret' => '',
    	'cluster.messagebus.sns.topic_arn' => '',
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    		0 => '',
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    		0 => 'gdsr_',
    		1 => 'wp_rg_',
    		2 => '_wp_session_',
    	'dbcache.reject.uri' => array(
    	'dbcache.reject.words' => array(
    		0 => '^\\s*insert\\b',
    		1 => '^\\s*delete\\b',
    		2 => '^\\s*update\\b',
    		3 => '^\\s*replace\\b',
    		4 => '^\\s*create\\b',
    		5 => '^\\s*alter\\b',
    		6 => '^\\s*show\\b',
    		7 => '^\\s*set\\b',
    		8 => '\\bautoload\\s+=\\s+\'yes\'',
    		9 => '\\bsql_calc_found_rows\\b',
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    Thread Starter optimisto


    Thank you!
    Installed your settings, cache cleared, RT loads fine, on a new tweet it disappears.
    <!-- mfunc secretcode $rt=get_transient("rt-mf-5e01625128255f7077032ffcda8f545c");if(!empty($rt)){echo $rt;}else{$args=get_transient("rt_w3tc_secretcode");rotatingtweets_display($args);}; --><!-- /mfunc secretcode --><!-- Rotating Tweets W3TC Fragment Caching: Success ! -->

    If I deactivate W3TC completely your plugin works flawlessly.

    Plugin Author Martin Tod


    So are you still seeing the mfunc code?

    This is very odd, because W3TC automatically replaces it on my site and I never get to see it displayed.

    What happens if you try another template?

    Alternatively, do you have any odd characters in your W3TC_DYNAMIC_SECURITY or w3tc_render_to settings? If you do, what happens if you only use regular letters and numbers (no punctuation, accents or special characters).

    Thread Starter optimisto


    No odd characters – it’s a ten letter word.
    What do you mean by another template?

    Plugin Author Martin Tod


    Sorry. I mean template.

    I’ve tried minimatica on my own test site and it seems to work.

    What do you mean by ‘on a new tweet it disappears’?


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