• Hello,

    W3C complains about the ‘role’ elements in various tags. In a child theme I removed most of them but rather not mess too much with the general theme. Could these be made an option to include? or just remove them from all but the searchform?

    Another W3C issues is the use of too many H1 tags I found that I had to add the following code in logo-group.php to ensure there were not too many H1 tags. Basically, I made the ‘site-branding’ H1 an H2 when there was any content but the front page. Which works out nicely.

    if (is_single() || (is_page() && !is_front_page()) ) { $h1pp='h2'; }
    <<?php echo $h1pp;?> class="site-title">
    </<?php echo $h1pp;?>>

    It would be nice if the theme either had an option or a plugin check to remove the itemscope and itemtype elements as well. I have used Add Meta Tags and now use WPSSO plugins, but there are a large number. If we are using the JSON+LD approach, these cause confusion with Google. Granted I removed them from content.php and content-page.php myself as those are the only contents I use. Perhaps drop the schema.org stuff entirely and let it be added by JSON+LD or another plugin?

    Lastly, it would be a nice customization option to include both the logo and the header/sub-header text for the logo-group. One or the other does not look correct, both work quite nice. However, that is a reason for a child-theme as well.

    Thank you for a great theme. Easy with which to work!

    Thank you,
    Edward L. Haletky

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  • Theme Author Shaped Pixels


    hmmm…could have sworn I removed all the role=”” with the update; will have to double check that again.

    One issue is the schema.org elements because it seems to be random problems, depending on how it gets validated. Online tools are not consistent, including Google. So rather than create headaches for everyone, I am considering removing all schema from my themes and let the user handle it with child themes or plugins, that way it gives the user more control over the type they use.

    Overall, there’s still updating to do. Actually, I would love to rebuild some of my older themes, such as Emphasize, but doubt I have the time, so the best thing is to perform ongoing updates to gradually make enhancements and update code.

    Thread Starter Texiwill



    The role=”complementary” was left within all the sidebar elements.

    I agree about the schema.org bits. I used to try to shoe horn it in and now just use JSON+LD. If you could remove that, then my child theme would be very clean!

    Oh. In the searchform.php you also have a W3C error where a </input> is not needed. But since I replaced the searchform it no longer shows up.

    Check out https://www.virtualizationpractice.com/ for how I use this theme.

    Best regards,
    Edward L. Haletky

    You mentioned using WPSSO, and if you were looking to remove Schema markup from your theme templates, you might look at using the WPSSO SSM extension. ??



    Thread Starter Texiwill


    Hello JS,

    I saw that. Great for those who do not want to mess with a child theme. I took them out of the specific content I use within a child theme ages ago. Not much work and I needed a child theme other issues.

    Actually, I modified the child theme as little as possible. Modifying the child theme saves on over all processing time. I really like a speedy theme.

    Best regards,
    Edward L. Haletky

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