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  • I actually do have the same problem / question…

    Bad value twitter:card for attribute name on element meta: Keyword twitter:card is not registered.
    Bad value twitter:site for attribute name on element meta: Keyword twitter:site is not registered.
    Bad value twitter:creator for attribute name on element meta: Keyword twitter:creator is not registered.
    Bad value twitter:description for attribute name on element meta: Keyword twitter:description is not registered.

    12 Errors resulting on using the meta card twitter option… ??

    It’s true. Facebook uses the same.
    To solve the issue:

    1. navigate to the following directory within your wordpress installation:
    2. In that directory, open the file called “class-twitter.php”
    3. search for the text “meta name” (without quotes) and change all occurrences to “meta property”

    Issue solved.

    But I hope Yoast makes the change also or we will loose the change after plugin update.

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