W3C Validations of theme.
Hello All i am validating wordpress theme called tuts press.
and there was a lot of errors in XHTML and i have correct them.
but at last 23 errors renaming and i cant find the source code of them in theme file’s.on front page it’s using this code to show latest post.
<ul id="column2"><li> <?php $col2postcount = 1; if(get_option('tpthemes_column2_posts_type') == 'Featured Posts') { query_posts( array( 'offset' => '1', 'tag' => get_option('tpthemes_featured_post_tags') )); } if( have_posts() ) : while( have_posts() ) : the_post(); if($col2postcount < 6) { include(TEMPLATEPATH. '/includes/templates/home-featured-loop2.php'); } else { include(TEMPLATEPATH. '/includes/templates/home-featured-loop3.php'); } $col2postcount ++; endwhile; endif; wp_reset_query(); ?> </div>
and i am having problems here. the output of this code in XHTML is
<ul id="column2"><li> <div class="thumbnail-sag"><li class="clear featured-1"> <a href="https://misning.co.cc/2012/07/education-ends-and-means/" rel="bookmark"></a> <h2 class="entry-title"><a href="https://misning.co.cc/2012/07/education-ends-and-means/" title="Permalink to Education Ends and Means" rel="bookmark">Education Ends and Means</a></h2> <div class="entry-meta"> <abbr title="July 5, 2012 at 10:59 am">6 days ago</abbr> <span class="entry-sep">|</span> <span class="entry-comment"><a href="https://misning.co.cc/2012/07/education-ends-and-means/#respond" title="Comment on Education Ends and Means">0 comment</a></span><span class="entry-cat"> <a href="https://misning.co.cc/category/general-topics/">General Topics</a> </span></span> </div> <!--end .entry-meta--> </div>
and it’s showing following errors
Line 131, Column 56: document type does not allow element “li” here; missing one of “ul”, “ol”, “menu”, “dir” start-tag
<div class="thumbnail-sag"><li class="clear featured-1">
Line 140, Column 90: end tag for element “span” which is not open
<a href="https://misning.co.cc/category/general-topics/">General Topics</a> </span></span>
and i can not find them in theme files. please anyone can guide me to solve this problem.
and for more detail about this problems you can visit on this site.
(i have not upload it on real site yet.)many many thanks in advance.
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