• Resolved christoflee


    Your plugin on my site is causing 92 errors in validation and I am unable to see the cause.

    Below is a sample of some of the errors that seem to recur:

    Error Line 560, Column 2521: & did not start a character reference. (& probably should have been escaped as &.)
    Error Line 560, Column 2637: & did not start a character reference. (& probably should have been escaped as &.)
    …284039148389/10153333911783390/?type=1&title=You are all invited to our annual…
    Error Line 560, Column 2963: Bad value for attribute href on element a: Illegal character in query: not a URL code point.
    …get='_blank' class='cff-linkedin-icon'><i class='fa fa-linkedin'></i></a><a hr…
    Syntax of URL:
    Any URL. For example: /hello, #canvas, or https://example.org/. Characters should be represented in NFC and spaces should be escaped as %20.
    Error Line 560, Column 3031: & did not start a character reference. (& probably should have been escaped as &.)
    …></a><a href='mailto:?subject=Facebook&body=https://www.facebook.co…

    What I’m trying to ascertain is if anyone else has had these problems? Is it caused by the plugin? Or is there something on my page likely to be causing these instead?

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  • Plugin Author smashballoon


    Hey christoflee,

    It looks like these HTML validation errors are coming from the URLs of the social media share links, which appear when you click on the plugin’s ‘Share’ button. I’ll get these resolved in the next update for you. For now, you should be able to just edit the plugin’s source code and replace the & characters with the HTML symbol: &


    Plugin Author smashballoon


    It looks like the HTML symbol was converted in my response, it should be:

    & amp;

    But without the space between the & and amp;

    Thread Starter christoflee


    Thanks for your help, I’ve run the update and it cleared all the errors. Couldn’t be more thankful for your speedy response.

    Plugin Author smashballoon


    No probs, thanks for reporting the problem. Just let me know if you come across any other problems in future.

    Have a great week!


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