• Hi Everyone.

    First off I want to thank the developers for creating W3TC, its freeking awesome and does so many things that I consider to be magic that it is truly a gift. Thank you for getting all my sites load times to under 1 second and better!

    My problem is that there are still people that use IE 8 any 7 in the world. I know I am not alone here. Unfortunately these people are also paying customer and their customers…

    The crux of my problem is that we had a really sweet responsive theme developed and it is like butter and the leads are piling up because of it, as long as users are not using IE 8 and 7. If they are on those browsers then I have to redirct them to an old version of the site using this code:

    Plugin Name: Serve Default to IE6
    Plugin URI: https://www.nathanrice.net/blog/serve-ie6-visitors-the-default-wordpress-theme
    Description: This plugin will serve the default theme to any visitors using IE6.
    Author: Nathan Rice
    Author URI: https://www.nathanrice.net/
    Version: 1.0
    add_filter('template', 'serve_default_to_iesix');
    add_filter('option_template', 'serve_default_to_iesix');
    add_filter('option_stylesheet', 'serve_default_to_iesix');
    function serve_default_to_iesix($theme) {
    	if(strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'MSIE 6') !== false)
    		$theme = 'default';
    	return $theme;

    This solution while not ideal was working until I installed W3TC with minify settings on. Once I turned minify off the redirect worked. Until I upgraded to WP3.5 last night.

    Now I have to turn off Page Cache and the redirect works, but not for all sites.
    It works on dmcantor.com
    but not for cantorfraudlawyers.com

    Any help is greatly appreciated.


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