w3tc htaccess and bullet proof
Hi, I installed bullet proof security on my website, but it seems to have an issue with w3tc. I tried to resolve it but cannot seem to, can you please let me know what I’m doing wrong.
I currently have this message…
BPS Alert! Your site does not appear to be protected by BulletProof Security
Go to the Security Modes page and click the Create secure.htaccess File AutoMagic button and Activate Root Folder BulletProof Mode.
If your site is in Maintenance Mode then your site is protected by BPS and this Alert will remain to remind you to put your site back in BulletProof Mode again.
If your site is in Default Mode then it is NOT protected by BulletProof Security. Check the BPS Security Status page to view your BPS Security Status information.So then I go to the BPS Security Status Page and see this error….
The htaccess file that is activated in your root folder is:
BULLETPROOF .49.8 >>>>>>> SECURE .HTACCESSERROR: Either a BPS htaccess file was NOT found in your root folder or you have not activated BulletProof Mode for your Root folder yet, Default Mode is activated, Maintenance Mode is activated or the version of the BPS Pro htaccess file that you are using is not the most current version or the BPS QUERY STRING EXPLOITS code does not exist in your root htaccess file. Please view the Read Me Help button above.
wp-config.php is NOT htaccess protected by BPS
√ Deny All protection activated for BPS Master /htaccess folder
√ Deny All protection activated for /wp-content/bps-backup folderThe htaccess file that is activated in your wp-admin folder is:
BULLETPROOF .49.8 WP-ADMIN SECURE .HTACCESSSo then I go to … Security Modes… and I select…
Activate Website Root Folder .htaccess Security Mode and I select…
BulletProof Mode and I activateThen I select….
Activate Website wp-admin Folder .htaccess Security Mode… and I select …. BulletProof Mode and I activateThen I get this error….
W3 Total Cache is activated, but W3TC .htaccess code was NOT found in your root .htaccess file.
W3TC needs to be redeployed by clicking either the auto-install or deploy buttons. If your root .htaccess file is locked then you need to unlock it to allow W3TC to write its htaccess code to your root htaccess file. Click to Redeploy W3TC.BPS Lock and Unlock buttons are on the htaccess File Editor page.So then I go to the htaccess fie editor and I select unlock htaccess file.
Then I do to Redeploy W3TC and I Save my settings.
And then things look fine for a moment… I get this…
The htaccess file that is activated in your root folder is:
BULLETPROOF .49.8 >>>>>>> SECURE .HTACCESS√ wp-config.php is htaccess protected by BPS
√ php.ini and php5.ini are htaccess protected by BPS√ Deny All protection activated for BPS Master /htaccess folder
√ Deny All protection activated for /wp-content/bps-backup folderThe htaccess file that is activated in your wp-admin folder is:
BULLETPROOF .49.8 WP-ADMIN SECURE .HTACCESSBut then, it starts all over again with the first error again? Will this always be like this where I have to keep resetting it? Is it because I logged out and back in? Or is it because I logged in from a different computer?
How can this be fixed so I don’t get anymore error messages?
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