Thanks! I still can’t find anything from you in our system, and I still have no idea why. Can you try the following, please?
1) Try from a different computer or a different browser
2) Log in to a different account, or, don’t log in to any account at all and just enter a different email address in the form.
To be transparent, I’ve looked at your account and I see no reason that you’d be blocked from submitting tickets to us, but just in case there’s a bug somewhere with your account / email address in particular for some reason, that’s why I want you to try with a different account or email address.
If that *still* doesn’t work, I’ll ask a developer to look through the ticketing system’s database (if possible) to see if your tickets get re-routed somewhere invisible for some reason.
Lastly, when you submit the contact form, keep your browser console open, and check if there are errors that happen when you submit something: