• My wife is trying to setup her blog and actually create posts now on her site at https://www.carriessweetlife.com However she is having a great deal of trouble getting her photo’s uploaded from her computer. It seems like half of them will not upload, once selected the window just has a dismiss option and does nothing else. Once the picture is on the blog she is having a lot of trouble getting the text around it like she wants. Either the picture will not center or all the text wraps around it. She wants the text above or below and it does all sorts of unplanned things.

    I have been searching the documents on here for some kind of walkthrough for posting and unfortunatly nothing has been to helpful. Does anyone happen to know where else I can look? Thank you very much

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  • First, there’s a sticky post at the top of this troubleshooting subforum about problems with latest WP and uploading pics. I’ve disabled my picture uploading as per their instructions as it just seizes up (assuming you;ve got the latest WP install)

    Next thing is, you’ve got one too many </div> s right at the top of your page. Get rid of that first and see if that makes any difference (in Firefox, view source with the HTML Tidy plugin)

    Your image looks like this:

    <img id="BLOGGER_PHOTO_ID_5197388620922967298" style="DISPLAY: block; MARGIN: 0px auto 10px; CURSOR: hand; TEXT-ALIGN: center" alt="" src="https://bp0.blogger.com/_wGUJ56UhyBY/SCDVae3FVQI/AAAAAAAABDY/g_MKIlIy3r0/s320/Birthday+Cat.jpg" border="0" />

    I don’t know what the text-align:center’s doing in there

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