Hi @shubhada1998
I hope you’re well today!
It’s not (yet) supported out of the box – the e-mail can only be sent to one recipient, the subscriber’s e-mail.
We do have a such “CC” notification planned but for now you can use additional code snippet for this:
1. create an empty file with a .php extension (e.g. “hustle-mail-cc.php”)
2. copy and paste following code into it
add_action( 'hustle_form_submit_before_set_fields', function(){
add_filter( 'wp_mail', function( $args ){
$args['headers'] = (array) $args['headers'];
$args['headers'][] = 'Cc: '. get_option( 'admin_email' );
// or custom email.
// $args['headers'][] = 'Cc: ABC <[email protected]>';
return $args;
} );
} );
3. save the file and upload it to the “/wp-content/mu-plugins” folder of your site’s WordPress installation, using (S)FTP, cPanel’s File Manager or any similar tool of choice
Note: if there’s no “mu-plugins” folder directly in “wp-content”, just create an empty one first.
It doesn’t require any configuration and activation or changes in Hustle setup. Once added, it will automatically send a copy of the very same automated e-mail notification that is sent to subscriber – it will send it to your site’s main admin e-mail.