WANTED: Developer to carry on with Autoptimize
Unfortunately the developer of Autoptimize has not responded to any support questions for more than 9 month and can also not be contacted by other means. Emilio (turl), if you are still here, please give us a life-sign.
If not, is there any other developer out here who is interested in maintaining this excellent plug-in? So far, it’s the best of its kind, but has a few minor issues – probably related to incompatibility with recent WP versions.
– Expired cache files do not get purged automatically. Therefore cached .css and .js files pile up (infinitely?) unless you manually clear the cache.
– Cosmetic glitches in sub-menues.
– And finally, the admin bar does not get printed.Otherwise it really does an excellent job and is the fastest minify plug-in around.
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