• Unfortunately the developer of Autoptimize has not responded to any support questions for more than 9 month and can also not be contacted by other means. Emilio (turl), if you are still here, please give us a life-sign.

    If not, is there any other developer out here who is interested in maintaining this excellent plug-in? So far, it’s the best of its kind, but has a few minor issues – probably related to incompatibility with recent WP versions.

    – Expired cache files do not get purged automatically. Therefore cached .css and .js files pile up (infinitely?) unless you manually clear the cache.
    – Cosmetic glitches in sub-menues.
    – And finally, the admin bar does not get printed.

    Otherwise it really does an excellent job and is the fastest minify plug-in around.


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  • Thread Starter fotofashion


    Errandum: The issue with the cache files piling up is not a Autoptimize bug. The problem was caused by a plug-in that dynamically changes the page content. Sorry.

    Have you found a solution for that? I have a blog with cached pages and a lot of autoptimize files.

    Concerning the admin bar, I wrote a solution for that: https://www.ads-software.com/extend/plugins/autoptimize-admin-bar-fix/

    Thread Starter fotofashion


    Nope. But in the meantime I have had a couple of plug-in’s that caused the js cache to pile up. It’s apparently not an Autoptimize bug. Try and find the plug-in that causes the issue and replace it with a better one. That’s all I can recommend.

    I reset the settings yesterday and I allready had 3K files today ( static css and js ) .. ??

    Plugin Contributor turl


    Hi all!

    A friend of mine showed me all these questions and posts here on the WP forums today. To be honest, I haven’t used WordPress for quite a bit of time, and I therefore lost most of my motivation to continue developing Autoptimize. However, given how many people seem to be using it still nowadays, I have released a maintenance update today, adding support for inline CSS with media attributes. This reduces the chance of style breakage and fixes the WordPress top bar.

    Having said that, if anyone wants to take the code and improve it, feel free to do so. I lack time these days, and the fact that I don’t have any blogs doesn’t help much either when it comes to developing Autoptimize.

    I hope you find 1.4 useful, and have a nice day!

    PS: I might do one or two further maintenance updates, but don’t expect any major feature for the time being.

    Thread Starter fotofashion


    Much appreciated! Thank you turl!

    How can I contact you? Do you have a blog (contact form) or maybe by email?

    I would like to help keep this project alive. Anyone else willing to help?

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