• I am searching for a theme for a Great Dane rescue site that I do for a lady for free. Please let me know if anyone knows where I could find one or if someone is willing to help me. Thank you all so much!

    The site is https://farmbulletin.com/danes

    Kind Regards,

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  • Came back bad? Hmmm…

    I would have to look at it on your site because the original theme validates fine and all I changed was the width of the sidebars and the graphics. If you still want to use it, I’ll test the zipped copy I sent you on my server and see if it works. Or hang tight, I’m updating the Green Apples theme to 2.7 next and replacing the script behind the menu – that may well be the problem.

    Yes, it’s a one-use photo license, meaning one use, one site. It just means you can’t distribute it; it’s not public domain.

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