• Hi, I have upgraded to WordPress 4.4, but in a specific page of the website I get this warning.

    Warning: array_map(): Argument #2 should be an array in /home/jscm/webapps/XXXXX/wp-includes/category-template.php on line 1158

    How can I fix it?
    Can you help me?

    I use WordPress 4.4 with woothemes Canvas 5.9.10 (framework 6.2.2). The problem is visible in the specific “Magazine Page” of the Theme. Instead the warning reports a wordpress file.

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  • I got the error using an iThemes Builder theme. I implemented ronald.kubo’s fix and it worked like a charm!

    Thank you!!

    Moderator James Huff


    Excellent, this will be correct both by WordPress 4.4.1 and upcoming fixes to the WooCommerce themes (and probably others), so whichever one arrives first. ??

    I short, WordPress 4.4 broke backwards compatibility with this small subset, but there’s a better way to do what was being done any way. So, the affected themes (WooThemes at least) will be updating their products to the better way, and WordPress 4.4.1 will restore the backwards compatibility.

    We’ve remedied this error on OUR end as well for our plugin, so it now uses wp_get_object_terms instead of get_terms as we previously used.

    Thanks @ronald.kubo for the quick file adjustment though to point us in the correct direction to find our own fix.


    Moderator James Huff


    That’s great to hear, thanks!

    Hi everyone

    I’ve added a patch into the WooFramework v6.2.3 – can you update and let me know if the problem persists? (If you are using a WooTheme)


    Moderator James Huff


    Awesome, thank you!

    For anyone still having trouble with this error message after updating to 4.4: This error definitely IS plugin related.

    In my case it resulted from old code for a plugin called “Transposh WordPress Translation” that was uninstalled long ago but was still calling plugin files from my theme’s navigation template and functions.php. After removing the broken source code the error disappeared.

    The theme was Jarvis from Themeforest.

    I stumbled upon this when I debugged the site with browser dev tools and an unknown source link for a stylesheet threw an error.

    I also have WooThemes and the Canvas theme, and recently upgraded to WordPress 4.4.

    I also recently implemented WordFence. So I thought maybe it was WordFence.

    But then I logged in as Admin, went to: Canvas > Settings > Framework

    I updated the Framework from 6.2.2 to 6.2.3 – and wallah – that fixed the issue.

    Moderator James Huff


    This has been corrected in WordPress 4.4.1, released just a few minutes ago: https://codex.www.ads-software.com/Version_4.4.1

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