• Hello,

    This looks like a great plugin (I like that custom ordering can turned on/off per taxonomy) except that I’m seeing a warning and some notices.

    Immediately after installing, in Settings, I see this. It goes away after saving the settings.

    Warning: in_array() expects parameter 2 to be array, boolean given in /Users/removed/wp-content/plugins/shopp-arrange/cgd-arrange-settings.php on line 18

    At the top of the Dashboard I see:

    Notice: Undefined index: page in /Users/removed/wp-content/plugins/shopp-arrange/cgd-arrange.php on line 105

    And on the Arrange Terms screen I see:

    Notice: Undefined variable: parent in /Users/removed/wp-content/plugins/shopp-arrange/cgd-arrange-admin.php on line 10

    Is your project on GitHub? Would love to recommend it to my users but can’t while these messages are triggered.

    Thank you.


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  • I would love to see that updated as well. Not so difficult to achieve I think.

    You would have to add an is_array statement particularly when calling the enabled_taxonomies which is causing the most warnings.

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