• I’ve been getting this
    “Warning : array_flip() [function.array-flip] : the argument should be an array in …custom-posts.php on line 246”

    and this
    “Warning : array_merge() [function.array-merge] : the argument should be an array in …custom-posts.php on line 278

    since last update. (30-05-2014)
    on the header of the mobile version of my website.

    please help! I can’t find anything on the web about this…


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  • Thread Starter djubox


    Finally I uninstalled Wptouch and re-installed it. I also unchecked the “allow custom post” option and no more error. I really don’t know what happened. Hope everything is fixed now.

    Plugin Contributor Duane Storey



    There was an issue with this in 3.3.2 – we’ll push out an update shortly that will address it.


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