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  • Your welcome ??



    Thanks. I also have Maya Shop theme installed and comment that line out and it works fine now.

    The problem now is that product page is somehow messed up.

    Thumbnails are not showing now.

    Any idea?

    Roy Ho


    Perhaps I am not understanding but why not just go back to the theme developers for assistance? They should update the themes for you guys…

    Theme developers will take some time to update a theme and will not likely do it just for one thing, if they are going to make a new release, they will probably want to fix all of the other issues they have on their list as well. Plus, not everyone has access to updated versions. To fix your issues on the product page, you will have to work with the files inside of your themes child woocommerce folder. There are template files for the loop, categories, etc.. that you can customize.

    Roy Ho


    ….I don’t agree with that…Theme developers should update it right away if there are any fatal errors or errors that make the site unfunctional as quickly as possible and not wait until all the other fixes are in…It’s called a hotpatch..

    I updated all my themes for my customers the same day 2.0 came out…I dropped everything and left out the other items that I was going to add…I believe they should do the same for you guys.

    Would be nice



    I have the same problem after the update. Come on woothmes you guys are killing me with this.



    Mayashop theme was updated (beta version) a couple of days ago. I read that so far they have found no bugs are will be releasing it very soon. I already updated my Mayashop theme with the beta update. All OK so far.

    My only problem was the image sizes went funny and the page layout distorted. This is a setting in WooCommerce that had been changed during the upgrade (god knows why??) and I had to reset all the image sizes back.

    I have MayaShop and found it on line 19

    dunar21 you are awesome ?? thx so much

    For you, anything ??

    dunar21 – Thank you SO much!! I was losing the will to live!! Everything I did seemed to make matters worse. What a relief ??

    Anybody knows what this is:
    PHP Warning: call_user_func_array(): First argument is expected to be a valid callback, ‘revision_wrapper_start’ was given in /home/xxx/domains/ on line 406, referer:



    Dunar, I have the Lotus theme, and don’t see that line in the woocommerce.php file. Any idea where else it might be?

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