To find out the exact cause of the warning, we need a backtrace of the error. Does your error log include such data? If not, try defining WP_DEBUG as true in wp-config.php. The warning that shows up on your site might include a backtrace. It depends on your PHP configuration. If not, you could temporarily install a custom error handler into the active theme’s functions.php, like the one listed here.
Restore WP_DEBUG to false to prevent warnings from being listed on your site.
]]>I didn’t know about the wp_debug mode.
Now i can see it’s the “MinervaKB Knowledge Base” plugin.
I’ve sent a message to the developer but it seems i have to renew my support for $56 to be allowed posting in the normal comment section. ??
This is what came up with the wp_debug set to true.
Deprecated: strpos(): Non-string needles will be interpreted as strings in the future. Use an explicit chr() call to preserve the current behavior in /home/account/public_html/ on line 641
Do whatever action generated the valid callback warning. With the linked code in place, the warning will be followed by several lines noting the path followed to get to the point where the warning was triggered. Post all the backtrace output here and hopefully we can deduce the source of the problem.
Once you get the backtrace information, you can restore WP_DEBUG to false. Leaving it as true for a long time slightly decreases the security of your site.