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  • Anonymous User 7570702


    Sorry, I forgot about my wordpress account and found it today and read your post.
    I fixed the bug and done some optimizing, too. A new version was pushed to the repository, so can update.

    Thread Starter Adam


    I am very glad and appreciate it very much, thank you for the update.

    Thread Starter Adam


    Actually, I tried to activate the plugin, but couldn’t and received the following error:

    Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_OBJECT_OPERATOR in …../wp-content/plugins/brutal-cache/brutal_cache.php on line 84

    Anonymous User 7570702


    I just released a new version, this will fix the bug.

    Thread Starter Adam


    I’ve got that error again, with Brutal Cache 0.6.3:

    Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_OBJECT_OPERATOR in …../wp-content/plugins/brutal-cache/brutal_cache.php on line 84



    Anonymous User 7570702


    I’ve released the version 0.6.4 recently. Could you update the plugin with a fresh install (delete the whole folder from you webspace, just to be sure) and tell me the result?
    Normaly I would expect, that this update should fix your problem, but if not, than please post me line 83-85 of the “brutal_cache.php” file here, maybe I’ll see some strange things in your lines.

    Thanks for your help

    Thread Starter Adam


    Your plugin version 0.6.4 worked for a while, but then I went to my site after I logged out and everything was visible, but at the top of the page, there was an error.
    That error was:

    Warning: DOMDocument::createElement() [domdocument.createelement]: invalid decimal character value in /home/playbo6/public_html/ on line 532



    Thread Starter Adam


    Another thing I’ve noticed it that it strips the webpage title (i.e., the title on the browser tab next to the favicon).



    Anonymous User 7570702


    Ok, hmm, can you tell me, which configuration you’d changed?
    To remove this error deactivate the option “reduce http requests”.
    Can you give me some more details of your system and configuration?

    Anonymous User 7570702


    I pushed a new version of 0.6.4 to the repo, so when you reinstall the plugin this bug might be fixed. I say might, because I can’t reproduce it, but I think about the circumstances and try my best.
    Just do, how you’ve got time, but please give me feedback ??

    Thread Starter Adam


    Brutal Cache 0.6.4 fixed unexpected T_OBJECT_OPERATOR.

    Yes, I have confirmed that “reduce http requests” causes error [domdocument.createelement]: invalid decimal character value

    But, I have disabled reduce http requests and invalid decimal character value error DID go away.

    However, my page title is still stripped with Brutal Cache:

    Here is a picture of Brutal Cache: DISABLED
    Here is a picture of Brutal Cache: ENABLED

    Anonymous User 7570702


    Ok, hmm. I think about removing the “reduce http requests” anyway, cause it works, but somehow at some blogs it just causes bugs I can’t follow properly.
    So, for the title: You deactivated the option I suggested to be blamed, but it looks like the wp_title() function returns the wrong content, or the title tag is completly removed?
    I’m sorry, but I’ve not idea, not the slightest edge, what could strip away the title.
    I’d like to say “I surrender to this problem, and use another plugin”, but that’s not the right way. I’ll think about it, and I’ll talk to a friend of mine, but I can’t promise success. Maybe some other people here, reading this, have an idea? I’m thankful for every hint or idea.

    Thanks for your help

    Anonymous User 7570702


    I’m sorry, but I’m not able to resproduce or understand it. Maybe there are some difficultys with your theme, but I can’t reproduce it, nor can some friends of mine ??
    I’m sorry to say this ??

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