• annieici


    Hello, I discovered my client’s error log was very large and found it was full of the exact same error messages. These messages tend to trigger most times I do anything in the back end. I’ve included the two messages below.

    PHP Warning: Undefined array key 0 in /home/*****/public_html/wp-content/plugins/event-organiser/includes/event-organiser-cpt.php on line 372

    PHP Warning: Attempt to read property “post_type” on null in /home/*****/public_html/wp-content/plugins/event-organiser/includes/event-organiser-cpt.php on line 375

    I’ve tried to determine what could be causing this by deactivating back-end plugins, adding then deleting a cache plugin, and by making a test copy of the website. Unfortunately, the test website does not seem to show this error and only has the below message. I’m not sure if this error could be a separate one about how the process that causes the above errors is being halted.

    Cron reschedule event error for hook: Elm_Plugin_checkLogFileSize_hook, Error code: invalid_schedule, Error message: Event schedule does not exist., Data: {“schedule”:”3600secs”,”args”:[],”interval”:3600}

    Do you have any idea what could cause this? I can share my system status if needed.

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