• Hey guys,
    I’m not exactly sure what is going on but it looks like The Event’s Calendar is running up against my WooCommerce store and creating some sort of error. When I deactivate the plugin my /store page works. When I activate it, I get this error message on my shop page:

    Warning: Illegal offset type in isset or empty in /home/content/77/10740377/html/wp-includes/post.php on line 1038

    Here is the site: https://www.rockandrawhide.org/store

    Does anyone have an idea of what this could be and the solution. My client is getting kind of antsy.

    Thank in advance


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  • Hi Gripants,

    It’s not something I can reproduce. Does it occur when you hvae only The Events Calendar, WooCommerce and a default, unmodified theme active (it’s possible the conflict might actually lie elsewhere)?

    Turning off the display of errors in a live site – though that doesn’t get to the root of the issue, of course – is also generally recommended.

    Thread Starter Grlpants


    Hi Barry,
    yes it occurs when I have the Events Calendar, WooCommerce and an unmodified theme. all happening at the same time. This occurred when I updated both Woocommerce as well as the Events Calendar.

    How would I go about turning of the display errors then?

    Thread Starter Grlpants


    Here is what it look like: https://imgur.com/WpXtN0o

    The store doesn’t come up.

    Do you have the include events in main blog loop feature enabled and if so can you try disabling it?


    The same for me. I have no WooCommerce, but it shows no articles when clicking on tags in the footer of the article or in the module in the sidebar.

    See: https://ipyc.net/categorias/blog

    Everything works fine when disable the Events Calendar Plugin.
    The same when using other themes.

    Hi nadoipyc: we’d be happy to help if we can, but please respect the forum guidelines and create a new thread of your own. Thanks!

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