• Scamaz


    If you install this author has a disclaimer about being “smeared” by WordPress so he moved his support forum.

    Well all you have to do is inspect your own site and you can see he injects a backlink to his site

    Google PageSpeed Score optimized using https://goo.gl/C1gw96\n\nTest your website: https://pagespeed.pro/tests\n\n”)

    That conveniently is his paid SaaS website.

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  • Plugin Author optimalisatie


    Hi Scamaz,

    Thank you for testing the plugin.

    Regarding your complaint about a backlink. It is a harmless browser console notice that no regular user sees. I believe that credit is appropriate for the full free plugin. The link is simply to a page with a free website quality test.

    You can disable the notice by adding define('ABTF_NOREF',true); in wp-config.php.

    Regarding the disclaimer about being smeared by WordPress management. The moderator spent several hours to replace a simple signature “regards, name, email” that many users use, with a link to anti-spam in 100 posts, linking to a WordPress policy text that states that advertising in topics unrelated to your own plugins or themes is not allowed, indicating that severe spam must have been posted for the moderator to behave in the way that he did.

    I just provided quality free support and never advertised anything on the forums. There was never a conflict before. Although we have no clue what has been the motive we simply cannot accept the slander. It is damaging to our business and it was a sign of worse to come.

    The anti-spam link is slander by WordPress management with an unknown motive.

    – no previous warning
    – no communication until now
    – moderator expresses angry attitude
    – my reply to the moderator was first censored and later removed
    – the exact same signature is used by many users and has been ignored (he targeted me specifically)
    – I never advertised anything on WordPress forums
    – I was providing quality free support
    – I provide a quality free service to the WordPress platform

    My only intend is to provide a quality service, not to hide a conflict to make money / a financial motive. The situation isn’t nice but I’ve received dozens of supportive messages from happy users who expressed that they loved the plugin and encouraged not to give up. The action by WordPress isn’t logical, it was a sign of worse to come. By being honest and open about it and by discussing it publicly, any further action by WordPress against me or my plugins will be reviewed by many others. I have nothing to hide and I do not fear competition, the instant speed technology on https://www.fastestwebsite.co was invented in 2014, before Google AMP existed. Even today nothing exists that comes close to what it offers. The SaaS plugin you are referring to, is simply a quality tool for the best possible HTTP website performance.

    If you have any further questions, I am happy to answer them.

    Thank you for warning us.
    Developer, You should not have apply a backlinks without our permission.

    Guys… how about you actually read what the plugin developer said…

    > Regarding your complaint about a backlink. It is a harmless browser console notice that no regular user sees. I believe that credit is appropriate for the full free plugin. The link is simply to a page with a free website quality test.

    A backlink in the Admin console is common practice. Yoast SEO has a heap of them. If it doesn’t appear on the public site then it is irrelevant to your SEO. You are doing this guy a disservice (similar to what he has experienced with WordPress management), and yet he has provided a free plugin for you and yet you couldn’t take the time to understand what you were complaining about.

    And he has graciously replied to a stupid post.


    First of all, thanks for all your hard work on this free plugin @optimalisatie, it’s much appreciated.

    You can disable the notice by adding define('ABTF_NOREF',true); in wp-config.php.

    Can you make this constant also disable the data-optimization="https://goo.gl/C1gw96" attribute that’s put on the html element of every frontend page too.

    Plugin Author optimalisatie


    The console reference has been removed since version v2.7.11. Instead a data-optimization attribute is added to the HTML source code with a goo.gl shortlink to the www.ads-software.com plugin description page.

    Hi @marcel

    We will apply the ABTF_NOREF constant on the HTML source code reference in the next update. For now you could add it manually in /includes/optimizaton.class.php line 876.


    // add reference
    $search_regex[] = '|<html([^>]*)>|i';
    $replace_regex[] = '<html$1 data-optimization="https://goo.gl/C1gw96">';


    // add reference
    if (!defined('ABTF_NOREF') || !ABTF_NOREF) {
        $search_regex[] = '|<html([^>]*)>|i';
        $replace_regex[] = '<html$1 data-optimization="https://goo.gl/C1gw96">';

    *Sorry, double post on mobile

    Nice one, thanks for that @optimalisatie.

    Plugin Author optimalisatie


    Update v2.7.12 will remove the reference when ABTF_NOREF is set to true in wp-config.php.

    What reference is placed?

    The previous <script rel="abtf"> tag is replaced by <script rel="abtf" data-abtf="https://goo.gl/C1gw96">.

    Why is the reference placed?

    When a website has been optimized a web developer may be interested to learn how it was done. The link is only visible to people who investigate the HTML source code and it has no effect on indexation in Google (it’s an URL on a server hosted by Google). The link redirects to www.ads-software.com that enables a web developer to form an idea about what can be done for his/her website. It is a service to (fellow) web developers and to make the internet (speed) better.

    The Goo.gl link provides insights that will enable us to learn how many users actually look at the HTML source code to learn about optimization. The current stats provide an insight about console views:

    The stats are public:

    Thank you @optimalisatie This review rating should be reconsidered by the OP

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