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  • You can try to set the maximum exection time to 30 Secounds in BackWPup > Settings -> Tab:job .

    I have the same problem. It always stops creating archive at 63% and ziping at 77%. My maximum execution time is 300 sec. Thanks for your help in advance.

    300 sec are to many mostly for shard hosting. Reduce it in BackWPup to 30.

    WP 4.8
    None of this worked.

    Issue is the 5 minute wait instead of immediate continuation, and with restart instead of continue.

    How do we get it to make one archive and if the transfer stops at any point, have it continue with the same archive instead of starting from scratch.

    Instead of having all those files and not deleting them after use, use just one.

    I set the tries to a higher number and let it run. It gets to 80% and sticks. I have high speed internet. I am on other websites with normal wait times. After nearly 2 hours it only moved 1%. It has created over a gig of files in the backup directory without ever finishing one archive.

    Who wants to buy premium version if free version doesn’t work? Looks like “Crippleware”. Doesn’t get high scores on review like this.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 8 months ago by bbhank.

    Running for over 8800 seconds – still 81% – 21 attempts at Trying to create backup archive without success – “WARNING: Job restarts due to inactivity for more than 5 minutes” – At least 5 minute wait time between each error.

    Log: [21-Jun-2017 19:25:54] WARNING: Job restarts due to inactivity for more than 5 minutes.
    [21-Jun-2017 19:25:54] 19. Trying to create backup archive …

    All it gives is continuous string of this. No matter what the configuration, plug in gave this same result. Started with defaults, out of the box, not working. Tried all settings suggested in forums. Have not gotten one finished, usable, archive.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 8 months ago by bbhank.
    • This reply was modified 7 years, 8 months ago by bbhank.
    • This reply was modified 7 years, 8 months ago by bbhank.

    @bbhank, the number of retries won’t matter if your maximum script execution time is too high. As Daniel said above, set it to 30 seconds or even 25, and see if it works. I understand you are frustrated but it does take time to archive a large number of files, which it sounds like you have.

    Tried default first, then 25, 30, 300, and several more. All gave same result. Tried on WordPress 4.6 and 4.8 with same result – long waits, no archive, a lot of trash left.
    Thanks for fast reply but so far no go.
    And yes, it is VERY frustrating. The 5 minute wait, or any wait, that does not produce, needs elimination. It made over 2 gigs of files in trying to back up half a gig, while failing to produce usable backup, then did not clean up after itself – I had to go in and delete the mess. There is too much time wasted in wait times, then failure. This makes for a big thumbs down.

    @bbhank, can you ask your host whether background processes are permitted, and what the allowed execution time is?

    Do you have SSH access? You could see if running it via wp cli works if so.

    I use GoDaddy and background processes are permitted. It takes too long to access host and wait for answers. Lost too much time already. I have SSH access and I don’t use command lines. The plug needs to work with normal execution times used by major providers like GoDaddy – Out of the Box, instead of having users/potential buyers, going through all this. In this condition, the plugin is Crippleware. I’m not the only person who tried this and had this same problem over time, without workable solution.

    @bbhank, again I know you’re frustrated, but I’m trying to help you debug. I’m not saying it can’t function normally, but I’m trying to go through the debug steps so we can see what is wrong.

    If you don’t want to do that, then you can contact us and we’ll be happy to investigate directly. It’ll require access to a WP user with the BackWPup Admin role, and FTP access.

    Or you can answer the debugging questions here to give me a better idea of what is going on.

    No time. I’ve moved on and trying other plugins. Unless there is an immediate and working solution, I don’t have the time to debug your program for you. There are a lot of programs out there. Too many to spend time on one that doesn’t work.
    I do rate these plugins and don’t give ones that don’t work out of the box good ratings at all. I can back up manually without the hassle.
    When you get these issues solved, please post to the forum that the plugin works – Out of the box.

    @bbhank, the plugin does work out of the box. While some users get the warning you mentioned, it is generally because their maximum execution time is set too high. Once they set that to a lower level, it works.

    But there is likely something in your particular environment that is not compatible, or requires a different setup. That is going to happen with any program.

    I’m sorry to hear you’ve moved on. We’re happy to help if you choose to continue with BackWPup.

    For me and others who experienced this without solution, the plugin does NOT work out of the box. I have a lot of plugins and have been through this many times. I use the same philosophy for my personal sites as the companies for whom I webmaster and develop – If it doesn’t work out of the box, move on. Nobody has time to debug someone elses product for them. We are happy to buy, pay premiums, for products that are working out of the box, or can be made to work in short order when there are problems. We work with too many different plugins. We don’t disable our other plugins to get any ONE plug in to work when they all already work together. We aren’t in the business of fixing what’s not broken. That’s not cost effective. We don’t allow automatic upgrades because of these issues. We are in the process of major upgrades already because of the new versions of HTML, WordPress, and WooCommerce and have had lots of problems. All clients decided not to fool with any products that didn’t work as stated and/or required out of the box due to budget/time considerations. These are bottom line realities. At the same time, we do rate products, and those that don’t work out of the box don’t get good ratings.
    Your plugin shows potential so please fix it. We would be very interested but we’re not in the business of fixing other folks software. While it is true that it may be something in our environment that’s causing the problem, that’s not the issue. We have twenty(!) plugins on each site that are working fine together. The policy is not to break those to get one working.
    We like a lot about your program. That’s why the time was even spent to comment and no rating has been given. We are also working against the policies that always say “something in your particular environment that is not compatible”. While this is very (But not absolutely) true, from the customer end, what we see is from the bottom up, and not the same. Gauchely put, a lot of us just don’t care! It’s harsh but it’s time somebody stepped up and told it like it is. We’re looking to get more back to the customer being “right”. That’s been sidestepped in computer software period. Time for a change.

    And thank you for the great feedback. Not everybody has reacted with such positivism. If you get that fixed on your end, please let us know.

    @bbhank, it has been fixed. All known bugs in 3.4.0 have been fixed in 3.4.1. But there are always special considerations. If we cannot investigate why it’s not working for you, then we cannot discover why it might not be working.

    Your policy is your choice, but from here there are three ways forward:

    1. Use the free plugin, and if there are errors, work with us to debug why it’s not working for you.
    2. Purchase the pro plugin and get more direct support so it’s guaranteed to be fixed for you, generally within a day.
    3. Move on and use another plugin.

    But telling us to fix it, then not actually cooperating to allow us to do exactly that in your particular situation, is not helpful.

    I’m sorry we could not provide what you were looking for, but if you need support let us know in this thread, or start a new topic. However I don’t want to continue hijacking this particular thread with a debate on software policies.

    It has NOT been fixed!!! It may work for some, but not here. Bottom line!

    These policy issues are not all mine. It comes down from owners and accounting, who don’t allow many choices, and are legitimate and relative to this thread and problem, as well as others – This issue has to be started somewhere and the thread was not “hijacked” to do it – Our responses are relative to this subject as well as any other software anywhere, that does not work out of the box for us (irrelevant to whomever and wherever else it did), and cost the companies time and money they can show accounting, is wasted. This is normal when you get executives and accountants involved in anything.
    There are more than three ways forward also.
    What we have now is now a now KNOWN bug. There is the request here to do away with the long waits and any other issues. All we want is a working products out of the box.
    The higher ups liked the program. They chose it.

    Nuff sed!!

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 8 months ago by bbhank.
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