It is only a warning, no reason to panic. With that said I understand your frustration, like you i don’t like notices or warnings. I like everything to perform “issue” free.
The issue here is as simple as an argument not being set for the prepare function. As of wordpress 3.5 wpdb::prepare() enforces a minimum of two arguments. you can read more here:
to fix this simple make this change:
In /plugins/cimy-user-extra-fields/cimy_uef_profile.php
on line 101 change
$value = $wpdb->get_var($wpdb->prepare("SELECT VALUE FROM ".$wpdb_data_table." WHERE USER_ID=".$get_user_id." AND FIELD_ID=".$field_id));
$value = $wpdb->get_var($wpdb->prepare("SELECT VALUE FROM ".$wpdb_data_table." WHERE USER_ID=".$get_user_id." AND FIELD_ID=".$field_id,0));
and line 105
$radio_checked[$name] = $wpdb->get_var($wpdb->prepare("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ".$wpdb_data_table." WHERE USER_ID=".$get_user_id." AND FIELD_ID=".$field_id." AND VALUE=\"selected\""));
$radio_checked[$name] = $wpdb->get_var($wpdb->prepare("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ".$wpdb_data_table." WHERE USER_ID=".$get_user_id." AND FIELD_ID=".$field_id." AND VALUE=\"selected\"",0));