• Resolved Meiershus


    you just help me yesterday – with great succes ?? but today i updatet the plugin and i get this message on top of my page:

    Warning: Missing argument 8 for eme_add_multibooking_form(), called in /var/www/tantrasoul.dk/public_html/wp-content/plugins/events-made-easy/eme_rsvp.php on line 302 and defined in /var/www/tantrasoul.dk/public_html/wp-content/plugins/events-made-easy/eme_rsvp.php on line 40

    this i my page:

    I use the following:
    [eme_add_multibooking_form recurrence_id=34 template_id=29 template_id_header=28 template_id_footer=30] and

    [eme_event id=636 template_id=27 show_recurrent_events_once=1][eme_add_multibooking_form id=636 template_id=29 template_id_header=28 template_id_footer=30] repeated 13 times with different id’s.

    Is it at problem with the plugin or did i do something wrong? I am not a developer so i hope you will have patience with me:-)

    Thank you so much in advance – Ann ??


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  • Plugin Author Franky


    Indeed, fixed here:

    I’ll release the new version tonight.
    But I think you’re overdoing it.
    First: show_recurrent_events_once is not an argument for the eme_event shortcode
    Second: don’t use eme_add_multibooking_form for 1 event id, use eme_add_booking_form then
    Third: if you want to show the booking form for an event, just use #_BOOKINGFORM inside your single event format
    Fourth: if you want to show 13 events and their booking form, just assign an EME category to them and use [eme_events] with as parameter the id of that category.

    Thread Starter Meiershus


    thank you – now i understand a little more:-)

    except for the part, where i want my customers to book all single events at one time.

    i have a yogaclass (1 season is 13 times every tuesday) and people will normally book the whole season (this part i don’t get how i can do). i get how i can SHOW it on my page, but when i then book the event i can only see the booking for the first event) how can i make that work?

    i am sorry i have tried and read all the documentation but i still don’t get it ??

    link to my page: https://tantrasoul.dk/book-din-holdtid/

    best wishes Ann ??

    Plugin Author Franky


    I can see that your form works, but:
    put subscription forms on separate pages, will show nicer. Also the message shown after booking will then be shown only once.

    Also: I tried to subscribe for your series (13 days), and the amount shown afterwards seems correct, so what do you mean with “I can only see the booking for the first event” ? Does it not register ok in the backend?

    Thread Starter Meiershus


    thank you – i will try with subscription forms separate pages:-)

    right now, i try 2 different things on my page for the whole class:

    1) [eme_events category=13 template_id=25 show_recurrent_events_once=”1″]
    at the backend this will only register for the first eventdate

    2)[eme_add_multibooking_form recurrence_id=34 template_id=29 template_id_header=28 template_id_footer=30] –
    this will register right in the backend. is this the right way to do it? showing all the dates ? what if i want to book 2 seats – then i have to change all the dates or not?

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