• diverse99


    Hi All

    I need some help , and my hosting company 1and1 do not do support for this error.

    The error message I am getting is as follows:-

    Warning: mt_rand(): max(1) is smaller than min(96) in /homepages/22/d513475680/htdocs/clickandbuilds/WordPress/KenKleenNew/wp-content/themes/flatsome/inc/class.php on line 1

    This has all of a sudden just appeard.

    The website in question is as follows:-


    Thank you

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  • Emanuel


    Hi diverse99,

    Nudged you the answer to this problem?

    I have this problem too.



    That’s simple:

    Flatsome don’t have any CLASS.PHP file, so, you have to make two things:

    1.- Go to YOUR-SITE-URL/wp-content/themes/flatsome/inc/ and DELETE “class.php” (do it, don’t be afraid)
    2.- Go to /wp-content/themes/flatsome/function.php and DELETE or COMMENT with “//” the 11 line. That line has something like this “include ‘inc/class.php’;”

    Don’t ask me why, I did it and now my site is working.

    Hope to be helpfully.

    PD: Sorry about my english, I’m Chilean trying to help ??

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