• If you use the free version and a user click on your pretty affiliate Link and do nothing on the salespage, like scrolling etc. it will directly redirect to the memberpress salespage at https://www.memberpress.com/ without your permission!

    Try your own link to test it!

    If the user come to a salespage and a video appears and he will see it, the redirect comes in and steel your customer. This is a very bad way to work with trust of customers. For me, this people behind pretty link has died.
    I delete this plugin instantly and use safe redirect manager for the same things. I’m happy to see this before i have buy the pro version! Never Ever!

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  • Moderator Jan Dembowski


    Forum Moderator and Brute Squad

    That doesn’t sound good. Can you provide a link to demonstrate that?

    Thread Starter joerguhlmann


    Hi Jan,

    unfortunately i delete the plugin directly after i see this! So i have no more links to try out.
    But you can test it by yourself. Create a pretty link on your page and open this new link in a private browser window, wait and do nothing on it.
    No Idea how many peoples i lost with a redirect without permission from the user. This is the best way to destroy the trust in you. Im happy to find that out now!

    Plugin Author cartpauj


    Pretty Link absolutely does NOT override any pretty link redirects! I cannot even guess as to what caused this to happen, but I would be very interested in seeing a video of this in action, or at least a pretty link URL this can be duplicated with.

    Thread Starter joerguhlmann


    I have no intention to write wrong messages ore lie here, to make bad things. But this kind of stuff, i must say. I can only say what i have experienced. I have tried a Affiliate Link in a clean Browser in private mode. The Link opens the Target Page and i see the Sales Video, after a couple of seconds the site redirects to memberpress.com Site. This page are promoted by your plugin. Was this a onetime random…? I really can not believe that. Every other page where suspect, but memberpress!!!
    I can sure say, this has nothing to do with the Link or the Target Sales Page, my system or the browser, or other plugins on my clean fresh website. At this moment i have deleted everything from pretty links, and i will never come back! I have lost all my trust in you.
    If you have problems to see this, test it on your site. It’s not my fault and task to resolve this for you. Sorry, but i’m out.
    Maybe you can resolve this problem for other peoples.

    all the best

    Plugin Author cartpauj


    I’m sorry you had a poor experience, but without some sort of proof, there’s nothing more I can do to help you. I’ll say it again, we never have, and never will hijack our user’s affiliate links. That’s ludicrous! 1 million+ downloads, over 100,000 active installations, and awesome support speaks for itself.

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