• Resolved misterphil92150


    Hello, when I activate this plugin (Version 0.9), I get this error :

    Warning: scandir(/home/lmlfr/domains/domxxx.fr/public_html//..) [function.scandir]: failed to open dir: Permission denied in /home/lmlfr/domains/domxxx.fr/public_html/wp-content/plugins/php-snippets/includes/PHP_Snippet_Functions.php on line 171
    Warning: scandir() [function.scandir]: (errno 13): Permission denied in /home/lmlfr/domains/domxxx.fr/public_html/wp-content/plugins/php-snippets/includes/PHP_Snippet_Functions.php on line 171
    Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/lmlfr/domains/domxxx.fr/public_html/wp-content/plugins/php-snippets/includes/PHP_Snippet_Functions.php on line 172

    So I must deactivate it. Can you help me please ?



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  • Looks like your permissions are incorrect on your directories. This is an environment issue, so the solution depends on your particular environment. Often directories need permissions of 755 and they need to belong to the same user and group as what PHP is running as (e.g. often as the apache user/group), but that may be different on your particular host.

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