Hi @markzahra,
I followed your advice and installed WP Crontrol 1.11.0. Further I checked the version of WP RSS Aggregator, which is 4.19.2.
On the second tab with the time plan, there are 15 plans: Every of them has got a time intervall.
Here is the list:
wpo_page_cache_preload_continue_interval, 600 (10 Minuten) 10 minutes
ao_ccss, 600 (10 Minuten) Autoptimize CriticalCSS
sbi30mins, 1800 (30 Minuten) Every 30 minutes
webpc_cron, 3600 (1 Stunde) WebP Converter for Media
hourly, 3600 (1 Stunde) Einmal stündlich
twicedaily, 43200 (12 Stunden) Zweimal t?glich
wpo_daily, 86400 (1 Tag) Once Daily
wpo_use_cache_lifespan, 86400 (1 Tag) Same as cache lifespan: 24 hours
daily, 86400 (1 Tag) Einmal t?glich
sbiweekly, 604800 (1 Woche) Weekly
wpo_weekly, 604800 (1 Woche) Once Weekly
weekly, 604800 (1 Woche) Einmal w?chentlich
wpo_fortnightly, 1209600 (2 Wochen) Once Every Fortnight
wpo_monthly, 2592000 (1 Monat) Once Every Month
wpgdprc-monthly, 2635200 (1 Monat) Once a month
In the log file from this day, there are still the messages:
[04-Nov-2021 10:24:02 UTC] PHP Warning: array_flip(): Can only flip string and integer values, entry skipped in /var/www/www.saarfuchs.com/wp-content/plugins/wp-rss-aggregator/includes/cron-jobs.php on line 329
Do you have any other suggestions to check?
Thanks in advance