• Anonymous User 8052865


    I have the Plugin working on 2 sites. Set it up fresh on another site, it fails.
    This site is not posting to a Page, but just a User timeline.
    I have tested with other plug-ins (tested the App Setup at FB) and they work (but I hate the format of those plugins).

    Posting or updating causes this. I have disabled iTheme Security as well.

    Anyone have any ideas?

    Warning: Illegal offset type in?/***path-removed-for-security***/wp-content/plugins/facebook-publish/lib/new-post-update-status.php?on line?234
    Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /***path-removed-for-security***/wp-content/plugins/facebook-publish/lib/new-post-update-status.php:234) in?/***path-removed-for-security***/wp-admin/post.php?on line?197
    Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /***path-removed-for-security***/wp-content/plugins/facebook-publish/lib/new-post-update-status.php:234) in?/***path-removed-for-security***/wp-includes/pluggable.php?on line?1210
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  • Thread Starter Anonymous User 8052865


    So after lots of trial and error, I deleted the Facebook App, and rebuilt.
    Some of the install pages have changed or are different for facebook.
    Under the App’s Settings:
    Add a Platform, Choose Website; Input the full URL of your wordpress site
    Example: https://www.sitename.com/
    This allows you to enter the App Domain above this section under settings.
    The App needs an email, app domains eg:www.sitename.com, privacy url, and terms url (it seems) and Facebook actually checks to not get a 404 for the URL’s. So point to SOME PAGE/POST
    Then I had to apparently create a Product: Facebook Login.
    Then under that product, you need to add the:
    Valid OAuth redirect URIs: to point to your site/codepage
    Example: https://www.sitename.com/?fb_publish_validate=1
    Client OAuth Login: YES
    Web OAuth Login: YES
    Embedded Browser OAuth Login: YES

    Then the Plugin would authorize.

    Still I am getting the Illegal offset notices.
    So not sure WTF is going on….If anyone has any suggestions, please advise, sine the author does not seem to give AF about this anymore.

    Thread Starter Anonymous User 8052865


    The key is the return here:
    Warning: Illegal offset type in /home/ggit69/public_html/KatsMeow/wp-content/plugins/facebook-publish/lib/new-post-update-status.php on line 234

    Line 234 is the Auth Token:
    'access_token' => $fp_settings['pages'][$page_id]['access_token'],
    So not sure what is going on.
    ‘pages’ ‘page_id’ seems wonky, as this is on a timeline.

    Thread Starter Anonymous User 8052865


    Created a Facebook page for the User.
    Setup Plugin to publish to the “Page” not “Timeline”
    Setup Plugin to publish to Page *and* Timeline
    Setup Plugin to Publish to **ONLY** Timeline

    So for some reason, it would not make the token work until I created a page, then published to both, then changed it.

    No matter it works from what I can tell.
    Hope this helps someone else.
    It is still a bug in the code, since it doesn’t work straight out of the gate just to post to an individual timeline from what I can tell.

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