Hello @leuls.
To solve your problem we need extended information about your plugin installation and Watson Assistant credentials you are entering into plugin. To get the file with the extended information, follow these steps:
- Go to your WordPress Dahsboard (sample screenshot)
- Go to “Watson Assistant” > “Set Up Chatbot” in the left menu (sample screenshot)
- On the “Set Up Your Chatbot” page go to “Having Issues?” tab (sample screenshot)
- On the “Having Issues?” tab, download full log file with extended information by following the link (sample screenshot). Don’t publish it openly on sites like WordPress Forums as it may contain sensitive information.
- Send email with description of your issue and attached file to [email protected]
Please note that we need both extended information file and Watson Assistant credentials. Don’t post them on the forum, send them to [email protected] instead.
If you have more questions, don’t hesitate to ask them.