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  • Anonymous User 393930


    So you do not want to display the list of sub-categories on a post from the (main) category? That is the opposite of what this plugin so designed to do.

    Thread Starter fernandorestelli


    Thank you a lot for your awnser,

    I think i didn′t explain it right: I would like to display the subcategories-list on a widget but only in the category-page, not in the post-pages. So if i enter in a post that belongs to that category, not seeing the list (on the widget) any more. Only display it in the category-page.



    Thread Starter fernandorestelli


    forgot to say: I need to display ii in the category-page and also in the sub-categorys page, but not in the post page.

    Alredy thanking you,have a nice day man.

    Thread Starter fernandorestelli


    Im sorry, it was not cause by the plugin, it was caused by a configuration of the sidebars. My mistake.

    thank you for your attention.

    Anonymous User 393930


    OK, glad that you got it sorted out.

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