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  • Mike, Okey, understood. Here is screenshot made from page without langcode (but WPML is still installed).

    I made a copy of the site to another server and now wc-ajax is giving load times ~500ms. And sometimes it seems to peak from ~500ms to ~1200ms. So it seems to be faster on anohter server.

    Also, Avast Antivirus, in its infinite wisdom, has randomly decided that ?wc-ajax=get_refreshed_fragments is an infection, blocking many users from visiting sites using WooCommerce. I have reported this to them but past experiences have proven to me that they really just don’t care.

    Plugin Contributor Mike Jolley


    @wendell Harness We’ve reported several false positives to Avast whom are investigating. I have no idea why all of a sudden they would start flagging our files incorrectly; maybe someone is reporting WC files to damage rep.. not certain.

    Thank you, Mike, I appreciate the quick response and your ongoing efforts! ??

    +1 for


    i used Google Chrome Network Tool and Pingdom Tool. The problem is
    /?wc-ajax=get_refreshed_fragments . For me is not a few seconds problem, my page normally load is 1,6s but actually the waiting time for
    /?wc-ajax=get_refreshed_fragments is about 10 seconds. How Google will see that? I reply to myself, Google will rape me.

    Guys the Network Tool of Google Chrome have the possibilities to “Clear cache” and “Clear cookies”. When i normal load my page, after the first load with a wait time of 10 seconds the other loads are very fast. After the first load when i “Clear cache” the load is every time fast, when i “Clear cookies” the load is every time with a 10 seconds wait time. The problem is /?wc-ajax=get_refreshed_fragments related to COOKIES. Try it to confirm.

    Same problem for /?wc-ajax=get_refreshed_fragments 2.8 second load

    Getting delay in load time of about 9.8 secs.
    Can anybody tell, what is the cause of this delay in loading time ?

    any possible solution ?

    @mike Jolley – I was just contacted by someone with a very similar issue and will be investigating this further after logging into this person’s site. The clues in this forum topic below may be helpful overall, but I have a feeling that there are 2 separate issues going on here. I believe either a BPS security filter is blocking the new line characters outputted as a String and/or I believe general/default mod_security SecRules/SecFilters would also block new lines outputted as Strings in the Browser. In any case I believe this is a combination issue going on, but generally see possible output and encoding issues going on.

    @mike Jolley – when I check the URI|URL that vishalrawat posted above: I see the same identical scenario occurring.

    Any solution to get rid of this issue ?

    You can try something like this below to strip the \n and \t characters from the String, but this assumes that the root problem has to do with the \n and \t characters in the String and does not have anything to do with the output buffer or JSON encoding.

    Edit WooCommerce File: /woocommerce/includes/class-wc-ajax.php at code line: 170

    Add|Edit: str_replace( '\n', '\t', "", $mini_cart )

    // Fragments and mini cart are returned
    		$data = array(
    			'fragments' => apply_filters( 'woocommerce_add_to_cart_fragments', array(
    					'div.widget_shopping_cart_content' => '<div class="widget_shopping_cart_content">' . str_replace( '\n', '\t', "", $mini_cart ) . '</div>'

    Browser Output: {"fragments":{"div.widget_shopping_cart_content":"<div class=\"widget_shopping_cart_content\"><\/div>"},"cart_hash":""}

    Oops correction: Use this replacement code: str_replace( array( "\n", "\t" ), "", $mini_cart )

    Browser Output: {"fragments":{"div.widget_shopping_cart_content":"<div class=\"widget_shopping_cart_content\"><ul class=\"cart_list product_list_widget \"><li class=\"empty\">No products in the cart.<\/li><\/ul><!-- end product list --><\/div>"},"cart_hash":""}

    ok. let me check and let you know.

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