I think that’s what I’m running into (menu behaviors responding differently) If I use the demo design the menu functions as expected https://peschooltheme.wpengine.com/ but on this site https://hcpswebdev.staging.wpengine.com/ I had to get MMM support to get the menu to center the text by adding this CSS
#pe-main-menu #mega-menu-wrap-main-menu #mega-menu-main-menu > li.mega-menu-item > a.mega-menu-link{
Not a horrible problem but I’m contemplating my next design move as I want purchase MMM to leverage MMM the premium features (I’m committed to the School Theme along with MMM) but don’t want to labor over custom CSS edits, one of which, (not related to MMM) is not working but I created a PIXELEMU support ticket today.
Overall the WCAG 2.0 question was satisfactorily answered. Thanks