• Hi All, need some urgent help. For some reason, none of my added entities like customers, vendors, media, products are not getting displayed in the WCFM store manager, but they are getting displayed in the wp-admin panel.

    I’m not sure if this is do with any subscription but as far as I know WCFM is free.

    Here is the link for your reference.


    Please let me know if someone faced this issue before or can give any hint?

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  • Plugin Author WC Lovers


    Please check at wp-admin -> WooCommerce -> Status -> Logs -> fatal_erros log -> is any error generated?

    Also, check the Google Chrome Browser console, is there any JavaScript error happening to the site or not! (What is browser console – https://support.airtable.com/hc/en-us/articles/232313848-How-to-open-the-developer-console)

    Thread Starter gkotpalliwar


    Thank you for your quick response.

    I don’t see any error in Google Chrome Console, but I do see this in the W -> S -> L

    2020-09-10T00:36:29+00:00 CRITICAL Allowed memory size of 134217728 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 81920 bytes) in /home/xxx/public_html/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/includes/wc-term-functions.php on line 544

    Thread Starter gkotpalliwar


    Highlighting the line number of the failure

    * Overrides the original term count for product categories and tags with the product count.
    * that takes catalog visibility into account.
    * @param array $terms List of terms.
    * @param string|array $taxonomies Single taxonomy or list of taxonomies.
    * @return array
    function wc_change_term_counts( $terms, $taxonomies ) {
    if ( is_admin() || is_ajax() ) {
    return $terms;

    if ( ! isset( $taxonomies[0] ) || ! in_array( $taxonomies[0], apply_filters( ‘woocommerce_change_term_counts’, array( ‘product_cat’, ‘product_tag’ ) ), true ) ) {
    return $terms;

    $o_term_counts = get_transient( ‘wc_term_counts’ );
    $term_counts = $o_term_counts;

    foreach ( $terms as &$term ) {
    if ( is_object( $term ) ) {
    $term_counts[ $term->term_id ] = isset( $term_counts[ $term->term_id ] ) ? $term_counts[ $term->term_id ] : get_term_meta( $term->term_id, ‘product_count_’ . $taxonomies[0], true );

    if ( ” !== $term_counts[ $term->term_id ] ) {
    $term->count = absint( $term_counts[ $term->term_id ] );

    Plugin Author WC Lovers


    CRITICAL Allowed memory size of 134217728 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 81920 bytes) in

    – It’s hosting issue. Please contact hosting support for this.

    Thread Starter gkotpalliwar


    I rechecked the console, I can see these errors, but not sure if they are relevant

    DevTools failed to load SourceMap: Could not load content for chrome-extension://fheoggkfdfchfphceeifdbepaooicaho/sourceMap/chrome/iframe_handler.map: HTTP error: status code 404, net::ERR_UNKNOWN_URL_SCHEME
    DevTools failed to load SourceMap: Could not load content for chrome-extension://fheoggkfdfchfphceeifdbepaooicaho/sourceMap/chrome/content.map: HTTP error: status code 404, net::ERR_UNKNOWN_URL_SCHEME
    DevTools failed to load SourceMap: Could not load content for https://www.hmmm.com/wp-content/themes/orchid-store/assets/dist/css/main-style.css.map: HTTP error: status code 404, net::ERR_HTTP_RESPONSE_CODE_FAILURE

    Plugin Author WC Lovers


    This are not errors.

    DevTools failed to load SourceMap: Could not load content for https://www.hmmm.com/wp-content/themes/orchid-store/assets/dist/css/main-style.css.map: HTTP error: status code 404,

    – You may fix this.

    Have you added SSL certificate to the site recently?

    Thread Starter gkotpalliwar


    Yeah looks like we add SSL certificate recently.

    Plugin Author WC Lovers


    OK, then check at wp-admin – Setting – General – Be sure Site URL and WordPress URL set using “https”

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