1-Is there a way to limit who receives the invoice? I want my vendors to receive only there store pdf invoice when a client buys, and the client receives only the overall invoice, not store invoices. I dont want the vendors to know on the invoice besides the item that was bought on there store , what other items did the client bought on other stores, and i dont want the client to receive pdf invoice from each store on there email, just one with all the stores What can i do?
2-Hi, could you give a snippet to remove witdrawal, partial refunded and charges from ledger book option? Could you also explain how partial refunded works?
3-Is it possible to have one email for several stores? I’m the admin and i want to manage several stores, but i dont want to create diferent email accounts for each vendor
4- I created a custom store using WCFM Marketplace integrate Elementor, but store badges are not showing on the store page,what can i do?