• Bonjour,
    j’utilise le plug-in WCvendos et woocommerce.

    Lorsque j’applique un code promo dont le montant est supérieur à la commission per?ue par la plate-forme.
    (Par exemple un coupon de 8€ sur un produit à 10€. Avec 50 % de commission. Ce qui devrait faire 5€/5€ en temps normal,Et dans ce cas2€/0€ ) le transfert ne se fait pas sur Mangopay.
    Le Wallet de l’acheteur est bien crédité (payin) mais le transfert ne se fait pas sur le Wallet du site, ni sur le Wallet du vendeur.
    L’acheteur se retrouve donc avec un solde sur son wallet.

    Woocommerce: 3.3.5
    WCvendors: 1.4.6

    Merci pour votre aide

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  • Thread Starter aminlam


    Pour info, le calcul s’effectue correctement si je passe par la plate-forme de paiement de test de WCvendor.

    Thread Starter aminlam



    I’m setting up a digital marketplace using WCvendors but I’m encountring an issue with the coupons.
    The commissions is set up to 50% + 10cts
    For a 10€ product, the vendor gets 4,90€
    3 studycases :
    1- If the customer has a 3€ coupon.
    The vendor gets 4,90€ – The platform gets 2,1
    – OK

    2- If the customer has a 5€ coupon.
    The vendor gets 4,90€ – The platform gets nothing
    – OK

    1- If the customer has a 8€ coupon.
    Nobody commission is generated.
    The admin doesn’t receive the mail for a new order either.
    I would prefer one of the two following cases :
    a- the vendor gets 4,90€
    or b- the vendor gets 1,90€ …

    but now there is a problem with the commission generation.

    This issue is the same with multi product, if the coupon is more than 1 product price.
    For exemple 10€ coupons with order of 5€+3€+10€

    I’m using mangopay gateway for payment platform.

    Can you check how the plugin deals with the commissions and the coupons ?

    For exemple :
    a 50% coupon on order with 3 products (3 sellers) :
    A : 50€
    B : 20€
    C : 10€

    Total : 80€ -> 40€

    In this case, the sellers must get :
    A : 12,40€ ( 50% of 25€ – 10ct commissions)
    B : 4,90€
    C : 2,90€

    But when I try, I have no commission generated on the backoffice, no emails for the sellers.
    And in my mangopay dashboard :
    – Buyer gets its wallet credited 40€ ( Payin ok)
    But the transferts are not ok.
    Here what it SHOULD BE :
    – Transfert Buyer -> Seller A : 25€ (included 12,60 commission)
    – Transfert Buyer -> Seller B : 10€ (included 5,10 commission)
    – Transfert Buyer -> Seller A : 5€ (included 2,60 commission)

    Total : 40€

    Instead of this, here is what happens :
    – Transfert Buyer -> Seller A : 10€ (included 7,60 commission)
    – Transfert Buyer -> Seller B : 20€ (included 15,10 commission)
    Total : 30€ transfered but Seller C doesn’t get his money.

    Can you check this ?

    It works fine with WCvendors test gateway …


    Plugin Author mangopay



    It’s a limitation we have put on coupons to ensure that vendors solvability. Coupons are set up by the platforms not the vendor.
    We will have a deeper look at how we can deal with this particular case but the coupon system is not made for that.

    Plugin Author mangopay


    NB: our plugin doesn’t officially support coupon.We will soon work on it to guarantee 100% synchronisation with VC vendors coupon tool.

    Thread Starter aminlam



    Thanks for your message.

    It’s a limitation we have put on coupons to ensure that vendors solvability.

    Can you tell me precisely what is the limitation ?
    In which usecase it can work properly ?

    the coupon system is not made for that.

    According to your point of you.
    For what is it made?

    In my case, I want to make a “refer a friend” program with 5€ coupon offered to the sponsor and the referred person.

    But I have lot of small products (1€ or 2€) so if some one purchase 1€ + 2€ + 1€ + 4€ (for example) with a 5€ coupon we are in the case I described above.

    We will soon work on it to guarantee 100% synchronisation with VC vendors coupon tool.

    Thank you.

    I will wait for it ??


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