I’m setting up a digital marketplace using WCvendors but I’m encountring an issue with the coupons.
The commissions is set up to 50% + 10cts
For a 10€ product, the vendor gets 4,90€
3 studycases :
1- If the customer has a 3€ coupon.
The vendor gets 4,90€ – The platform gets 2,1
– OK
2- If the customer has a 5€ coupon.
The vendor gets 4,90€ – The platform gets nothing
– OK
1- If the customer has a 8€ coupon.
Nobody commission is generated.
The admin doesn’t receive the mail for a new order either.
I would prefer one of the two following cases :
a- the vendor gets 4,90€
or b- the vendor gets 1,90€ …
but now there is a problem with the commission generation.
This issue is the same with multi product, if the coupon is more than 1 product price.
For exemple 10€ coupons with order of 5€+3€+10€
I’m using mangopay gateway for payment platform.
Can you check how the plugin deals with the commissions and the coupons ?
For exemple :
a 50% coupon on order with 3 products (3 sellers) :
A : 50€
B : 20€
C : 10€
Total : 80€ -> 40€
In this case, the sellers must get :
A : 12,40€ ( 50% of 25€ – 10ct commissions)
B : 4,90€
C : 2,90€
But when I try, I have no commission generated on the backoffice, no emails for the sellers.
And in my mangopay dashboard :
– Buyer gets its wallet credited 40€ ( Payin ok)
But the transferts are not ok.
Here what it SHOULD BE :
– Transfert Buyer -> Seller A : 25€ (included 12,60 commission)
– Transfert Buyer -> Seller B : 10€ (included 5,10 commission)
– Transfert Buyer -> Seller A : 5€ (included 2,60 commission)
Total : 40€
Instead of this, here is what happens :
– Transfert Buyer -> Seller A : 10€ (included 7,60 commission)
– Transfert Buyer -> Seller B : 20€ (included 15,10 commission)
Total : 30€ transfered but Seller C doesn’t get his money.
Can you check this ?
It works fine with WCvendors test gateway …