Hi @wfalaa
“– Did you move WordPress installation files into a sub-directory following this guide?” NO, I did not do that.
1) I installed this copy of the WordPress application directly into this particular sub-directory from the outset. However, I did subsequently change the name of that sub-directory but that happened long before I introduced Wordfence and I had previously opened the relevant WP MySQL table to ensure that all related entries where brought into sync with that change.
2) Under this particular website domain, I had already installed WordPress once into the conventional /wordpress/ sub-directory to use as the conventional blogging channel of this website. Wordfence installed perfectly, and automatically configured, there.
3) Subsequently, I realised that I could also use the WordPress application to support another feature that I wanted to include in this website. This second installation, then, was the installation with which I had been experiencing difficulties in getting Wordfence to set up properly and is the one referred to in 1) above.
4) While I could not get Wordfence to automatically configure in this secondary WordPress installation as in “1)” above – which was the original cause for me posting this question here – once I subsequently realised that I had incorrectly edited the related .user.ini file and fixed that, this Wordfence installation is also now working perfectly. And as previously stated above, the related file permissions where all already appropriately set to allow for auto-editing so not sure why that did not happen but nonetheless, manually (correctly ?? ) editing the files took care of that problem.
Lastly ….
“– Was that before or after installing Wordfence?” Wordfence was installed long – by weeks – after the original installation and sub-directory name change of this secondary WordPress installation.
Thank you for a great program.
HTH? /psb